ANGT tour guides disappointed with Draghi. "No improvement on refreshments."

Tour guides belonging to the National Association of Tour Guides (ANGT) say they are disappointed with the Draghi government: at the center of criticism are refreshments, which are unchanged from those of the Conte government.

ANGT (National Association of Tourist Guides) tour guides are so far disappointed with the Draghi government. The main problem is refreshments: according to ANGT, fewer have arrived than promised. “Those who expected a change of pace on refreshments to the tourism sector from the government will be disappointed,” ANGT guides write in a note. “Prime Minister Mario Draghi (according to the latest draft of the Support decree) not only does not have in mind any kind of equalization, that is, compensation for any penalties suffered in 2020 that are 100 percent, but he does not intend to recognize compensation and refreshments different from those of the previous government, the Conte bis.”

Adina Persano, president of the ANGT, states that “the contributions would not be parameterized to the actual losses of the entire year 2020, but would only take into account the performance of the months of January and February 2021 compared to the corresponding two-month period of the year 2019.” The guides then also complain about the lack of change on the percentages of refreshments (20 percent for companies with turnover under 400 thousand euros annually).

“It will be difficult in several areas of Italy, referring only to the months of January and February, to sustain for many activities an operating loss of at least 33 percent, the minimum threshold necessary to obtain support,” Adina Persano stresses. “The tourism machine, excluding a few rare examples, presents a seasonal trend: it points to the spring, strengthening the overall offer in the hot summer months. That is why a whole year should be considered and not just 2 months. Instead, the government is as if it only cares about the mountain world and ski facilities.”

"Finally," the guides conclude, "any trace of the partial or total exemption from the resumption of tax and contribution payments promised last year by the Conte government would disappear. In the drafts, the amnesty, in this case for activities that in 2020 have recorded a drop in turnover of at least 33 percent compared to 2019, would be limited to the abatement of penalties and interest required with notices of irregularities regarding returns for the 2017 and 2018 tax periods. On the front of deadlines for payments related to tax bills (suspended until April 30), however, the truce is already over: in fact, from March 1, the collection machine restarted, with the notification of new acts. The suspended deadlines must be paid by the 60th day after the end of the suspension. In short, everything continues as before, perhaps even worse than before."

ANGT tour guides disappointed with Draghi.
ANGT tour guides disappointed with Draghi. "No improvement on refreshments."

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