Digital technology turns historic Japanese garden into a wonderland

The historic Japanese Kairaku-en garden will be transformed into a colorful wonderland through digital art.

From February 13 to March 21, 2021, Japan’s historic Kairaku-en garden in Mito will be transformed into an interactive art garden that will change and alter with the presence of its visitors.

Created at the end of the Edo period (1842), Kairaku-en, along with Kenroku-en and Koraku-en, is considered one of Japan’s three great gardens. It has three thousand plum trees of about a hundred varieties and is very famous for its spring blooms that transform the garden into very striking pink and white clouds.

The international collective teamLab will create the art project teamLab: Digitized Kairakuen Garden, which aims to explore how nature can become art: digital technology can transform nature into art without physically altering it.

People will be able to enter the garden every day, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. (last entry at 8 p.m.), to walk among trees and rocks that will take on a thousand colors thanks to projections and colors, and special animations will make the historic place “inhabited.” It will seem to have entered a magical "wonderland."

“The forms of nature have been created over the centuries by the interactions between man and nature. We can perceive this connection in the very forms of nature. Using the forms, we are convinced that we can explore and analyze this perception,” stressed teamLab.

For info

Ph.Credit teamLab

Digital technology turns historic Japanese garden into a wonderland
Digital technology turns historic Japanese garden into a wonderland

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