Contemporary art at elementary school. Fondazione CRT launches call for schools in Piedmont.

The Fondazione per l'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT has launched the aulArte Call for Proposals, a project aimed at all elementary school in the Piedmont region to promote the knowledge and dissemination of contemporary art as part of the school curriculum.

The Call for Proposals aulArte, a project conceived and promoted by the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT and aimed at all elementary school in the Piedmont region, has been published to promote the knowledge and dissemination ofcontemporary art as part of the school curriculum. Placing itself in continuity with the many editions of the zonArte project, supported by the Foundation since 2010, the aulArte project addresses schools with the aim of promoting in-depth paths and spaces for reflection aimed at the dissemination of art in its most contemporary declination, dwelling on how the latter relates to current themes and issues. “Educating to the present, in the complex reality we live, requires new tools and languages. Among these cannot miss the language of art, capable of soliciting discussion and generating sharing,” stressed Luisa Papotti, president of the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT. “I am confident that the formula adopted, with a call for proposals aimed at collecting and supporting the projects of the various educational institutions, can help strengthen educational paths with new experiences.”

The commitment put in place by the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT includes the conception and design of the initiative, guidelines for its implementation, and an investment of 40 thousand euros to be disbursed to eight institutes, selected by a special commission according to the criteria set out in the call for proposals, drawn up in collaboration with the Fondazione CRT and the Piedmont Regional School Board. The evaluation by the committee will also take into account the accessibility by people with disabilities of the project proposals, with particular attention to tools that can generate good practices in welcoming and accessibility for all; the aulArte project is designed in adherence to points 4 and 10 of the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2023, namely to foster “quality education” and “reduce inequalities.”

“The challenge of skills training and education for active citizenship is also linked to the dissemination in schools of innovative and contemporary educational paths such as those promoted by the Fondazione per l’Arte, which is part of the CRT Foundation ’family’. The cultural and social value of art helps students to develop knowledge of themselves and others in a perspective of mutual respect: elements at the basis of an open, inclusive and democratic community,” said Fondazione CRT President Giovanni Quaglia.

Educational institutions are asked to submit aproject idea in dialogue with annual programming or topical issues, based on broad themes related to the contemporary world, to be explored in the course of the project using the languages, themes, works, artists and currents of contemporary art.

The deadline for submitting applications is May 31, and the eight selected institutions will be announced between June and July.

“The DLGS no. 60/2017 ’Norms on the promotion of humanistic culture, the valorization of cultural heritage and productions and the support of creativity’ and the ’National Plan for Cultural Heritage Education’ of 2021 promote anintegrated and innovative educational offer, in which the aulArte project fits well, actualizing the meaning and purpose of heritage education in the context of the NextGenerationEU,” commented Stefano Suraniti, Director General of the Regional School Office for Piedmont. “The objectives of the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT are therefore fully shared by the Regional School Office for Piedmont to accompany the very young in their understanding of contemporary art as early as elementary school.”

Each teacher in charge of the project will have to document the process, organize a final moment of restitution for his or her class, and schedule at least two school visits to the institutions of museum excellence in the Piedmont region that collaborate in the project, offering the support of their Education Departments: Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, GAM - Galleria Civica di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Fondazione Merz, Parco Arte Vivente, Pinacoteca Agnelli, Cittadellarte - Fondazione Pistoletto and Fondazione Piera, Pietro e Giovanni Ferrero. At the end of the project it is planned to organize a choral presentation event in which teachers and students from all classes involved will be invited to participate.

Link to the announcement:

Contemporary art at elementary school. Fondazione CRT launches call for schools in Piedmont.
Contemporary art at elementary school. Fondazione CRT launches call for schools in Piedmont.

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