Pesaro 2024 tells the micro and macro stories of its Quarters with 12 permanent and site-specific works

Twelve permanent works to tell the micro and macro stories of Pesaro's Neighborhoods: this is the goal of the project "From Sculptures in the City to Community Art," which aims to put the city back at the center of cultural strategies related to urban regeneration.

Twelve permanent works to tell the micro and macro stories of Pesaro’s Neighborhoods: this is the goal of the project Dalle sculture nella città all’arte delle comunità, curated by Marcello Smarrelli, which stems from the historical memory of Arnaldo Pomodoro ’s 1971 exhibition Sculture nella città, organized by the gallery Il Segnapassi. The project, promoted by the Fondazione - Centro Arti Visive Pescheria and part of the Pesaro Capitale italiana della Cultura 2024 program, aims to put the city back at the center of cultural strategies related to urban regeneration, involving more than forty subjects including artists, authors and curators.

In addition to the exhibition at the Pescheria in District 1 - Historic Center, which ended on May 5 and reconstructed the genesis of the Urban Sculpture Park born from the succession of the numerous artistic interventions having Pomodoro’s Sfera Grande as their centerpiece, the project activated twelve artistic residencies in the Neighborhoods and the Monteciccardo Town Hall, with twelve artists and authors from different backgrounds and generations appointed as Art Ambassadors, flanked by as many curators. The residencies have been an opportunity for artists and curators to get in touch with each Neighborhood, establishing deep relationships with the area of reference, in order to activate paths of co-design and artistic co-creation aimed at the creation of twelve permanent and site-specific artworks, whose location is strictly dictated by the needs specific to each individual project and shared with the citizens.

The works will thus bear witness to a journey that has involved artists, authors and curators for about a year in creating an active dialogue-through public debates and workshops-with people, school pupils and teachers, and members of associations, in order to tell for the first time through art the micro and macro stories that characterize the Quartieri, thus also giving visibility to what lies outside the center. Through the processes that arose in the course of the various residencies, the curator wanted to initiate a reflection that would take stock of issues related to theuse of public space and site-specific art interventions related to relational aesthetics, starting from that debate opened by Arnaldo Pomodoro in 1971.

These are the names of the artists who are ambassadors of art in the Quarters and the Monteciccardo City Hall: Friedrich Andreoni, Benni Bosetto, Gianni D’Elia, Matteo Fato, Oliviero Fiorenzi, Cyprien Gaillard, Paolo Icaro, Nevio Mengacci, Arianna Pace, Lamberto Pignotti, Michele Alberto Sereni, Giovanni Termini, Ricardo Aleodor Venturi, and Davide Mancini Zanchi.

The Quartiere 2 - Cinque Torri - Santa Veneranda projects have already been inaugurated (Friedrich Andreoni, Arco, Archè, Archetype, edited by Caterina Angelucci), Neighborhood 3 - Hills and Castles (Davide Mancini Zanchi, Beautiful Landscape, edited by Giacomo Pigliapoco), Neighborhood 4 - Villa Fastiggi - Villa Ceccolini (Paolo Icaro, Meteorite, twin, with a poem by Gianni D’Elia, edited by Marcello Smarrelli), Neighborhood 12 - Pantano (Ricardo Aleodor Venturi, What’s Behind the Cliff?, edited by Lucia Camela) and Monteciccardo Town Hall (Giovanni Termini, Where is Monteciccardo?, edited by Marco Tonelli).

Now the appointment is for July 5 at 6 p.m. at the Paleontological Museum in Fiorenzuola di Focara, for the Quartiere 6 - San Bartolo project (Cyprien Gaillard, Against Sun and Dust, curated by Cornelia Mattiacci and Alessandra Castelbarco Albani, with Ruggero Pietromarchi).

Image: Sculptures in the City 1971/2024. From the Public Art of Arnaldo Pomodoro to the Urban Space of Ten Young Artists (exhibition curated by Pippo Ciorra, Michele Giorgi, Carola Nava; Feb. 4-May 5, 2024; Pescheria Visual Arts Center). Photo by Carola Nava

Pesaro 2024 tells the micro and macro stories of its Quarters with 12 permanent and site-specific works
Pesaro 2024 tells the micro and macro stories of its Quarters with 12 permanent and site-specific works

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