117 guided tours of the Charterhouse Museum of Pavia

In August, September and October 2019, the Polo Museale Regionale della Lombardia will promote 117 guided tours to discover the Museum of the Charterhouse of Pavia.

In August, September and October 2019, the Polo Museale Regionale della Lombardia, in collaboration with the cooperatives Oltre Confine Onlus, Dedalo - Promozione Culturale and Società Cooperativa Progetti, will organize a series of 117 guided tours of the Certosa Museum in Pavia.

The guided tours will be held every Friday, Saturday and Sunday following the following times:

August 3, 4 and 5 p.m.; September 2:30, 3:30, 4:30 p.m.; October 2:30, 3:30, 4:15 p.m.

Free admission to the museum and the guided tour will cost 5 euros per person (free for children under 18). Reservations recommended by writing to prenotazionivisitemc2019@gmail.com and specifying date, time and phone number.

For info: www.musei.lombardia.beniculturali.it

117 guided tours of the Charterhouse Museum of Pavia
117 guided tours of the Charterhouse Museum of Pavia

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