In Salsomaggiore Terme an immersion in the ... artistic waters of Galileo Chini

Salsomaggiore Spa will host the high-definition immersive project L'Oro di Chini from September 11, 2021.

On September 11, 2021, the high-definition immersive project L’Oro di Chini will open at the Terme Tommasini in Salsomaggiore, Parma, as part of the @cquechepassione festival.

The festival shines a spotlight on a great protagonist of the decorative arts whose central element is water, precisely in a city where water is fundamental: Galileo Chini (Florence, 1873 - 1956).

Once a bathhouse for the working classes and now transformed into the public space of the New Civic Court, Terme Tommasini will host L’Oro di Chini, an immersive multimedia project curated by Marco Stucchi, Valeria Tedaldi for narrative aspects, Elena Bastianini for motion graphics, with scientific supervision by Salsa scholar Maurizia Bonatti Bacchini.

The event will consist of ultra-high-definition projections that will make it possible to see details that are difficult to grasp: thanks to the technologies used, it will be possible to deepen, know and better understand Chini’s poetics and appreciate the architectures with a new gaze, capable of identifying the most hidden aspects and enhancing the artistic heritage assets. The images chosen by Marco Stucchi are so in-depth and rich in details that they capture Chini’s brushstroke, showing unseen and unexplored details, which open the way for new studies and research.

“It is a poetic project, capable of combining tradition and innovation,” says Valeria Tedaldi. “A narrative, in a contemporary key, that allows us to rediscover a great author of the caliber of Galileo Chini through the fascinating detail of his works. It is a cultural operation that allows, thanks to the use of modern technologies, to capture the beauty and grandeur of a multifaceted artist like Chini and of an iconic work on the level of architectural design.”

Through digitization, Chini’s work becomes easier to enjoy, thanks to text and video narration. “Digital tools allow today a reading, analysis and interpretation of artistic works that was not possible in the past,” says Marco Stucchi. "In the L’Oro di Chini project, the use of technology, and in particular very high resolution photographic detection, will allow the visitor a virtual dialogue with the author of the work, as details impossible to see with the naked eye will be made visible."

The Room of Wonders, Pozzo Scotti and the Palazzo dei Congressi are among the Salsa sites at the center of the immersive guided tour program anticipating the grand opening of the event, which is destined to remain with the city. “The installation is the festival’s legacy to the host locality,” explains Mayor Filippo Fritelli. “It is the first step in that system of the diffuse museum and storytelling of the natural ecosystem of Salsomaggiore Terme, which in the Room of Wonders has as of today the control room.”

Visits will cost 6 euros per person and 3 euros for guests of Salsomaggiore accommodations. Admission to L’Oro dei Chini, however, is free.

@cquechepassione is the festival, conceived and coordinated by the Salsomaggiore Municipal Administration and realized thanks to the contribution of Parma Province, Parma Italian Capital of Culture 2020 + 21, Fondazione Cariparma and PINKO.

For details on dates and event information, see the updated program at

Ph.Credit @cquechepassione

In Salsomaggiore Terme an immersion in the ... artistic waters of Galileo Chini
In Salsomaggiore Terme an immersion in the ... artistic waters of Galileo Chini

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