Kicking off cinema...floating in the Venice lagoon: twelve evenings on the theme of travel

From August 20 to September 4, 2021, a floating platform behind Giudecca Island will create a cinema on water in the Venice lagoon.

From Aug. 20 to Sept. 4, 2021, the second edition of the open-air cinema festival will be held in which the shoal behindGiudecca Island will be transformed into a cinema on water. Cinema Galleggiante - Acque Sconosciute, in partnership with Fondazione In Between Art Film, will offer twelve evenings of screenings, performances and interventions on a floating platform all dedicated to the theme of travel both as an exploration of lands, abysses, space and time, and as a relationship between cultures, a way of access and confrontation with the other.

The In Between Art Film Foundation will participate in the festival with seven videos from its collection that address the theme of travel from different perspectives. On the opening evening of Aug. 20, dedicated to the theme Venice, city as habitat and water as way of communication, the video by Catalan artist Jordi Colomer New Palermo Felicissima (2018, 21’), commissioned by Manifesta 12, will be screened; the film shows the journey of a fishing boat transformed into a hybrid vessel, between tourist ship, observatory and discussion lounge, sailing from Sant’Erasmo Marina along the southern outskirts of Palermo. The Aug. 21 evening on the theme Life, Death and Scourges opens with Ludwig by Diego Marcon (2018, loop), a poetic and evocative animation video with which the Lombard artist won the MAXXI Bvlgari Prize in 2018. On Aug. 26, in the evening dedicated to Journey, Diaspora and Trauma, Hiwa K’s Pre-Image (Blind as the Mother Tongue) (2017, 18’) will be screened, portraying the artist as she crosses fields and wastelands on foot from Turkey to Athens to Rome, in a journey that evokes her own journey as a child, when she fled from Iraqi Kurdistan and reached Europe on foot; on the same evening, the sea again takes center stage with Masbedo’s Resto (2020, 9’32’’): the artists have taken to the sea a prayer, a small andante sonata composed by Gianandrea Fioroni at the end of the 18th century, making it travel in the Sicilian Sea on a boat on which a large screen is installed at the bow. It continues on Aug. 30 by talking about Forms of Dialogue, Exchange and prevarication with Don’t Look at the Finger by Hetain Patel (2017, 16’ 8’’), a video that brings to the screen elements of Kung-Fu discipline mixed with references to West African wedding ceremonies, presented in Hollywood style, integrating action sequences, lavish costumes and an epic soundtrack. On Aug. 31, 20th-century ideologies and futurist dystopias take center stage: Adrian Paci’s Interregnum (2017, 18’) stages individual and collective bodies in the shared language of grief and mourning, through a montage of sequences of funerals of communist dictators of different nationalities and eras, retrieved from state archives or Albanian television broadcasts. The festival will conclude on Sept. 4 with the theme Music, hybridizations and variation of imagery: Winter Came Early, in which artist Janis Rafa (2015, 3’) investigates the condition of mortality, mourning, and melancholy in relation to the natural world, will be screened; the violent impact of a car vigorously shakes an almond tree for ten seconds, causing the leaves to fall prematurely, captured by a high-speed camera, and becomes a metaphor for man’s brutal intervention in nature and at the same time the transience of life.

Floating Cinema - Acque Sconosciute is a project by Edoardo Aruta and Paolo Rosso presented by Microclima, in collaboration with Ocean Space - TBA21-Academy, Pentagram Stiftung, Palazzo Grassi - Punta della Dogana - Pinault Collection and with Fondazione In Between Art Film and Lamyland - Owenscorp. The event, which runs from 7 to 11 p.m., is part of 1600 Venice / 421-2021, the celebrations for the 1600th anniversary of the founding of the city of Venice.

For the full program here

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Kicking off cinema...floating in the Venice lagoon: twelve evenings on the theme of travel
Kicking off cinema...floating in the Venice lagoon: twelve evenings on the theme of travel

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