Palazzo Altemps evening openings return

A series of events in September to visit Palazzo Altemps and the exhibition dedicated to De Pisis in the evening.

The evening openings at the National Roman Museum are back. With the reduced ticket of 5 euros, the public can visit Palazzo Altemps and the exhibition dedicated to Filippo De Pisis, from September 4 to 19, every Friday and Saturday from 7:45 to 10:30 pm. The ticket is valid for one evening only.

Palazzo Altemps is one of the most significant examples of Renaissance architecture in Rome and houses sculptures from well-known Renaissance and Baroque archaeological collections, such as the Boncompagni Ludovisi collection, the 16th-century collection of Asdrubale and Ciriaco Mattei, and the Altemps collection itself. Of the latter collection, the state managed to repurchase sixteen sculptures, four of which are located under the arches of the northern portico. Among the most significant masterpieces are the Ludovisi Throne with the Birth of Venus, the famous group of Orestes and Electra embraced in a farewell, and the Ares Ludovisi, called by Winkelmann “the most beautiful Mars of antiquity.” Also, sculptures in the Salone delle Feste, such as the group of the suicidal Galata, and Roman copies from Greek originals, such as theAthena Parthenos, a copy of the original by Phidias, and the 2nd-century B.C.E. Heracles, a copy of an original by Lysippus.

Until September 20, 2020, Palazzo Altemps hosts the exhibition Filippo De Pisis, which aims to restore the Ferrarese artist’s pictorial sensibility and leading role in the experience of Italian painting between the two wars. On display are twenty-six paintings accompanied by a rich selection of papers and watercolors.

For info and reservations:

To purchase tickets


Palazzo Altemps evening openings return
Palazzo Altemps evening openings return

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