Ravenna, 150 artists pay homage to the Supreme Poet in a large group show

The Ravenna Library of Contemporary History is hosting a large group show with 150 artists entirely dedicated to Dante until September 5, 2021.

Until Sept. 5, the “Alfredo Oriani” Library of Contemporary History in Ravenna, located next to the tomb of ddante Alighieri, is hosting Dante Plus 700, a project conceived by Marco Miccoli of Bonobolabo entirely dedicated to the Supreme Poet and the Divine Comedy. The exhibition has the patronage and contribution of the National Committee for the Celebration of 700 Years and the City of Ravenna and brings together as many as 150 artists: 2BROS Creative, About Ponny, Ache77, Nicola Alessandrini, Alien Attack, Armitano, AweR, Stefano Babini, Barbara Baldi, Werther Banfi, Luca Barberini, Sebastiano Barcaroli, Davide Barco, Cristiano Baricelli, Bibbito, Blub, Stefano Bolcato, Bomboland, Alessandro Bonaccorsi, Marco Bonatti, Davide Bonazzi, Stefano Borella, Brome 732, Valentina Brostean, Michele Bruttomesso, Jonathan Calugi, Mirko Càmia, Nicola Canova, Canu, Ivan Canu, Captain Claw, Alessandra Carloni, Osvaldo Casanova, Andrea Casciu, Victor Cavazzoni, Thomas Cian, Lillo Ciaola, Cibo, Codeczombie, Stefano Colferai, Collective FX, Alberto Corradi, Marcello Crescenzi, Andrea Crespi, Matteo Strudelbrain Cuccato, Gaspare Da Brescia, Andrea Dalla Barba, DAR, Andrea d’Ascanio, Andrea De Luca, Dalia Del Bue, Enrico D’Elia, Oscar Diodoro, DissensoCognitivo, Francesco Dossena, Dzia, Davide Fabbri, Camilla Falsini, Edo Faravelli, Marco Filicio, Giulia Flamini, Luca Font, Fra!, g.7.g._, Marco Galli, Camilla Garofano, Maria Gabriella Gasparri, Mauro Gatti, Lisa Gelli, Roberto Gentili, Massimo Giacon, Lorenzo Gritti, Riccardo Guasco, Hellsandro, Il Pistrice, Cristiano Ippoliti, Kryon, Lady Be, Giorgia Lancellotti, Elisa Lanconelli, Arturo Lauria, Luigi Leuce, Tanino Liberatore, Salvo Ligama, Lilly Meraviglia, Valentina Lorizzo, LRNZ, Lucamaleonte, Matteo Lucca, Luvol, M Fulcro, Madkine, Milo Manara, Davide “Dartworks” Mancini, Martoz, Massimiliano Marzucco, Simone Massoni, Marco Mazzoni, Denis Medri, Moebius, Nicola Montalbini, No Curves, Marta Pantaleo, Dario Panzeri, Alessandro Pautasso, Max Petrone, Giordano Poloni, Emiliano Ponzi, Francesco Poroli, Antonio Pronostico, Emanuele Racca Senior, Enrico Rambaldi, Andrea Ravo Mattoni, Marco Rea, Totto Renna, Resli Tale, Riffblast, Giulio Rincione, Alessandro Ripane, Andrea Rivola, Marco Goran Romano, Jacopo Rosati, Marco Russo, Davide Bart. Salvemini, Donato Sansone, Davide Saraceno, Elisa Seitzinger, David Sossella, Carlo Staga, Luca Tarlazzi, Gianluca Tenia Gambino, The_Oluk, Marcello Toninelli, Daniele Tozzi, Turbogamma, Ufocinque, Ilaria Urbinati, Vaps, Nicola Varesco, Sara Vasini, Giuseppe Veneziano, Nicola Verlato, Simone Vezzani, Marco Viola, Alessandra Vitelli, ZUC.

The review also makes use of new information technologies, particularly augmented reality through the free ARIA mobile application The AR Platform in collaboration with animation studio Alkanoids.

The venue’s gardens feature installations by Biancoshock, Alessandro Turoni, LABADANzky, WASP and Dicky Cock.

Dante Plus 700 will also give ooportunity to discover the mood of Ravenna by visiting the polygonal Dante by Creators of Emotions, a sculpture within the exhibition, lit in real time in twelve different colors depending on the dominant mood of the city. Everyone will be able to contribute to Ravenna’s mood through the City Mood app, launched by Publics ICC, in collaboration with Dante Plus 700 and Creators of Emotions.

For the last days of opening, from Sept. 1 to 5, the exhibition will be open continuously from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Ravenna, 150 artists pay homage to the Supreme Poet in a large group show
Ravenna, 150 artists pay homage to the Supreme Poet in a large group show

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