The first guide to Cistercian Abbeys and Sites is born

The first guide to Cistercian abbeys and sites is born: entitled Abbeys and Cistercian Sites in Italy. 1120 - 2018, this is the first publication on the subject: a volume that collects historical, architectural and tourist information on more than 500 abbeys and sites that have marked the history of Italy. The publication, the result of research by professor Silvia Testa and architect Piero Rimoldi, is the fruit of long and thorough research that marks Italy’s entry into the European path of Cistercian abbeys, recognized and funded by the European Union.

The guide, which will be presented on Monday, June 18, on the premises ofValserena Abbey in Paradigna(Parma), where the headquarters of the Center for Archive and Communication Studies (CSAC) of the University of Parma is located, represents the conclusion of the first phase of the project “Cistercian Abbeys and Sites of Italy,” promoted by the Cultural Association “Giuseppe Micheli” of Confcooperative Parma and the Municipality of Morimondo (Milan). On the same occasion, the newly formed Association of Cistercian Sites and Abbeys (AISAC), which will have its headquarters in the CSAC premises, will also make its debut. The June 18 event will begin at 11 a.m. with greetings by Fabrizio Storti, pro-rector of the University of Parma; Michele Guerra, culture alderman of the City of Parma; Tommaso Fiazza, mayor of Fontevivo; and Daniele Pezzali of the Cariparma Foundation. This will be followed by speeches by Silvia Testi and Piero Rimoldi, who will present the guide together with Marco Marelli, mayor of Morimondo; Pierpaolo Franzese, Italian referent of the Charte européenne des abbayes et des sites cisterciens; Father Amedeo Parente, prior of the Abbey of Chiaravalle della Colomba; and Chiara Laghi, president of Confcooperative. Moderating the meeting will be Eugenio Caggiati, president of the “Giuseppe Micheli” Cultural Association. This will be followed by refreshments and a pre-booked visit to Valserena Abbey and, with special transfer, to those of Chiaravalle della Colomba and Fontevivo.

Information at or 348 4559176.

The first guide to Cistercian Abbeys and Sites is born
The first guide to Cistercian Abbeys and Sites is born

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