An immersive exhibition on Berlusconi is coming to Milan (but it won't talk politics)

An immersive exhibition dedicated to Silvio Berlusconi is coming to Milan this fall. But there will be no talk of politics: the exhibition will examine only Berlusconi the entrepreneur, from 1956 to 1993.

An exhibition on Silvio Berlusconi, titled Piano B, will arrive in Milan this fall. It will be organized by the MilanoCard group, a company that is involved in the design and development of exhibition reviews, among other activities. For now, the group has not yet revealed either where exactly the exhibition on Berlusconi will be held or what the dates will be, but we do know what the terms of the narrative will be, which will analyze only Berlusconi’s entrepreneurial history, thus not venturing on the political Berlusconi (the period examined in fact goes from 1956 to 1993).

The exhibition will make use of images, voices, and music that, the press release states, will be “capable of bringing to life the initial adventure in the world of bricks and mortar, passing then through televisions, large-scale distribution up to the triumphs in soccer.” This is because, we further learn from the official statement, “in the last 25 years we have been used to hearing only about the political Berlusconi. But before being the politician we all know, whether or not we share his positions, Berlusconi was an entrepreneur capable with his intuitions of changing the face of Italy.” Piano B therefore aspires to reintroduce the narrative of what it already considers a "Berlusconian epic, " seeing Berlusconi as an entrepreneur who changed the lifestyle of Italians by accelerating the modernization of the country, introducing languages and visions thanks to television. The organizers assure that it is not their intention to pass historical judgment on the character, but “to repropose a piece of history that is collective history, in its positive and negative sides.” Berlusconi’s entrepreneurial adventure, the group acknowledges, “is the result of many intuitions ahead of its time, but it also has the characteristics of a dream that has concerned and often fascinated us all.”

The title chosen for the exhibition is meant to signify the fact that Berlusconi, as an entrepreneur, kept himself open multiple avenues to realize his projects, realize his visions and face the most complex challenges, but it is also meant to stand for “the alternative he offered to the development of the country.”

In addition to the summary of the contents, the MilanoCard group also presented a trailer where we can see a part of the arrangements: large panels on which images of Berlusconi run alongside the symbols of his business empire: televisions, Standa supermarkets, Milan, and the buildings of Milan 2. Which opens with a quote from Berlusconi himself: “We dedicated 10 percent of our time to creating TV, the other 90 percent to fighting to defend it. This exhibition is dedicated to the children of those who work against change. Be what your fathers were not.”

An immersive exhibition on Berlusconi is coming to Milan (but it won't talk politics)
An immersive exhibition on Berlusconi is coming to Milan (but it won't talk politics)

Warning: the translation into English of the original Italian article was created using automatic tools. We undertake to review all articles, but we do not guarantee the total absence of inaccuracies in the translation due to the program. You can find the original by clicking on the ITA button. If you find any mistake,please contact us.