Looking for Utopia: artists' unrealized dreams are on display in Venice

From May 10 to July 8, 2019, Hotel Novecento in Venice is hosting the exhibition 'Looking for Utopia,' a project that showcases artists' utopias.

From May 10 to July 8, 2019, theHotel Novecento in Venice is hosting the exhibition Looking for Utopia, a project, curated by Bianca Cerrina Feroni and Melania Rossi, that showcases artists’ utopias, projects never realized, dreams of works that will never see the light of day: in short, the most hidden and precious soul of the artist’s thought.

The exhibition consists of drawings, collages, photographs, maquettes and small sculptural sketches, almost entirely unpublished and sometimes site-specific, and includes both historical and contemporary works: among the historical works are Hans Bellmer ’s etchings that show the paradoxical will to give form to desire and Cécile Reims ’ etchings that imagine bodies in mutation. The other artists in the exhibition: Jan Fabre, Simone Pellegrini, Sophie Ko, Francesco Arena, Gérard Berréby, Félicie d’Estienne d’Orves, Jean Bedez, Elisabetta Benassi, Damien MacDonald, Maud Maffei, Delphine Valli, Antonello Viola, and Pietro Ruffo.

All info can be found on the Hotel Novecento website.

Pictured: Jan Fabre, Vallnord, Pyrenees, Andorra (1989). © Angelos Bvba

Looking for Utopia: artists' unrealized dreams are on display in Venice
Looking for Utopia: artists' unrealized dreams are on display in Venice

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