Auctions Nov. 17 to 22: contemporary art, carpets and watches

Auction date as every Wednesday: here are the bids from auction houses between November 17 and 23, 2021.

Our column devoted to auctions is back. Here are the best deals from Nov. 17-23, 2021.

At Pandolfini ’s is Modern and Contmeporary Art. scheduled for Nov. 23, the auction features artworks by a variety of contemporary artists, including Salvador Dali.

Two auctions at Wannenes: Nov. 22 is Antique Rugs and Textiles; Nov. 23 is Wine & Spirits.

Looking for jewelry or watches? Farsetti ’s has an auction titled, precisely, Jewelry and Watches, scheduled for Nov. 22-30.

At Cambi ’s, the online-only Philately auction is on until Nov. 22, while on Nov. 23 there will be the L’Art de la Table auction.

Three auctions at Finarte: Nov. 22 are Coins, Medals and Stamps and Silverware; Nov. 23 will be Jewelry.

Through Nov. 22, Pananti is holding the Antique Arms and Militaria auction selling antique armor, period weapons, and also paintings with military subjects.

Five auctions at Christie’s: Nov. 18 is American Art; Nov. 22 are De Chardin à Prud’hon, Tableaux et Dessins provenant des collections Marcille and Livres rare et Manuscrits; Nov. 23 will be Dalva Brothers II and The Exceptional Sale.

Three auctions at Sotheby’s: today is Modern Day Auction; Nov. 19 will be Contemporary Day Auction; Nov. 22 will be American Art.

Pictured: Frantisek Janousek, Untitled (1934), oil on canvas, for sale at Pandolfini’s

Auctions Nov. 17 to 22: contemporary art, carpets and watches
Auctions Nov. 17 to 22: contemporary art, carpets and watches

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