How to communicate culture online: a free ebook to download, useful and comprehensive

Out comes 'Communicating Culture Online. A practical guide for museums', a useful free ebook download for culture professionals!

A very useful ebook is finally online that will be of great help to all those who do cultural communication online, with a focus on museums. The newly released ebook is titled Communicating culture online: a practical guide for museums, was created as part of the #wakemuseum project and is free to download! To download it, simply go to this link.

But what is the book about? There are four main thematic areas that are addressed:

  1. Website design, with a chapter entirely edited by our own Federico Giannini that explains what practices should be followed to design a flawless website from the point of view of structure, content presentation, accessibility and usability (and therefore also compliant with current laws), and introduces an innovative self-analysis tool to check the quality of one’s website;
  2. Content management, where we basically discuss the newest storytelling techniques applied to culture, and how to leverage them for content management that can effectively engage the audience;
  3. Social networking, where all the major social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, Youtube... ) are analyzed and cultural institutions and museums are advised on the correct ways to use them, with the example of several best practices from all over the world;
  4. Data analysis, where readers are provided with the right tools to measure the results of their online activity.

The ebook was created by a team of young professionals, starting with the group working on the #svegliamuseo project, which aims to “wake up” museums in the area of digital communication: Francesca De Gottardo, a graduate in Egyptology from Pisa and with a master’s degree in Marketing and Communication from Bocconi, a social media manager by trade and with an international experience at the Smithsonian in Washington to her credit; Alessandro D’Amore, an archaeologist from the University of Siena, an expert in storytelling, with various experiences in different museums, including the State Museum of the Republic of San Marino; Valeria Gasparotti, a communications expert currently project coordinator at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington; Aurora Raimondi Cominesi, an archaeologist with significant museum experience, including one at the Getty Museum in Los Angeles.

The team is rounded out by Astrid d’Eredità, a consultant in the field of social media and web content management, PhD in archaeology as well as head of communications for theNational Association of Archaeologists; Pietro Colella, digital strategist and analyst in a communications company in Brescia; and of course our own Federico Giannini, a professional web designer and web developer with a focus on web technologies for cultural heritage, and several experiences in this field.

This ebook fills a gap in Italy and we hope that it can really contribute to make our country take a qualitative leap forward in the field of digital communication: those who work in culture cannot help but read it and draw useful insights from it. So we remind you of the link to download it: just click here. Enjoy reading it!

Comunicare la cultura online. Una guida pratica per i musei

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