A museum dedicated to Ligurian songwriters will rise in Genoa, in the abbey of San Giuliano

MiBACT allocates crucial resources to create the Casa dei Cantautori Liguri, a museum, in Genoa, entirely dedicated to the region's celebrated singer-songwriters.

With an allocation of 3 million euros, the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism has given the go-ahead for the renovation ofSan Giuliano Abbey in Genoa and the creation there of the House of Ligurian Songwriters. A MiBACT document states that this new museum will be a “cultural pole dedicated to the music of the great Ligurian authors of Italian song” and will “preserve the conservation of the religious complex.” In particular, the project, dedicated to singer-songwriters such as Fabrizio de Andrè, Bruno Lauzi, Ivano Fossati, Umberto Bindi, Gino Paoli, and Luigi Tenco, “intends to create,” the MiBACT note further reads, “a house of music with a dual function: an exhibition one, where to retrace in an interactive way the repertoire and biography of singer-songwriters also with the exhibition of objects in the possession of families or foundations; an educational one with the establishment of training courses related to the new professions of music.”

The new House of Ligurian Songwriters is part of the strategic plan “Great Cultural Heritage Projects,” which was funded by MiBACT with the sum of 103 million euros in all, allocated for eleven projects throughout Italy. It is actually a project that started already in 2018, with the first financial allocations (1.5 million euros) for the redevelopment of the former monastic complex, which is located in the Genoese neighborhood of Albaro, along the road that runs along the sea. The House also has a scientific committee, composed of Dori Ghezzi, Paolo Masini, Margherita Rubino, Massimo Bernardini, Cesare Torre and Serena Bertolucci. The museum (whose implementing party is the Region of Liguria) is expected to be open within two years.

“The first tranche of funding,” explained the regional councillor for culture, Ilaria Cavo, “focused on the first lot relating to the area destined for the exhibition and museum part, which is now at an advanced stage of design and will go out to tender for its construction by the end of the year. The additional 3 million allocated now will instead be used to realize the second lot, resulting from the purchase by MiBACT in 2018 from the Benedictine fathers of a portion of the abbey complex where the educational part will be developed and where the auditorium will be built, with an extension of the museum part as well. The Casa dei Cantautori Foundation includes the participation of the Liguria Region, MiBACT and the City of Genoa. The total funding for the realization of this cultural initiative thus amounts to more than 6 million euros, destined for Genoa and Liguria thanks to the Region’s project, which MiBACT wanted to welcome, finance and support.”

The new museum will include memorabilia and memorabilia of the great Ligurian singer-songwriters, records, musical instruments and many photographs, but, it is known from the previews, it will also be able to make use of an itinerary that will make extensive use of multimedia to take the public on a journey of discovery of the great Ligurian singer-songwriters.

In the photo: Genoa, the abbey of San Giuliano

A museum dedicated to Ligurian songwriters will rise in Genoa, in the abbey of San Giuliano
A museum dedicated to Ligurian songwriters will rise in Genoa, in the abbey of San Giuliano

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