Bergamo, Radio GAMeC is born, and the museum also launches a fundraiser for John XXIII Hospital

Radio GAMeC, the museum's radio station with a half-hour live broadcast every day, is born in Bergamo.

GAMeC, the Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Bergamo, is bringing out a new initiative, Radio GAMeC, a platform for live streaming from the Bergamo museum, immediately available on the museum’s social channels and soon to be on air. The broadcasts will take place daily at 11:30 a.m.: a daily half-hour strip, hosted by journalist Leonardo Merlini (a literary and cultural critic, Milan-based chief of the national news agency Askanews, as well as a columnist in the world of contemporary art), in which various guests will share with the audience testimonies from the city and stories from around the world. For episode zero, which will air on Sunday, March 22, guests will be Lorenzo Giusti, director of GAMeC, and Giorgio Gori, mayor of Bergamo. Every day Radio GAMeC will therefore do half an hour of information and in-depth coverage between news, art, and literature.

Among the guests of the first week: Alessandro Sciarroni, dancer and choreographer Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement of the 2019 Venice Dance Biennale; Michela Moioli, Olympic gold medalist in Snowboard cross; Leonardo Caffo, philosopher and essayist; Francesco Micheli, director of Teatro Donizetti; Paolo Fresu, musician; Michela Murgia, writer and playwright; Formafantasma, designer.

That’s not all: a fundraiser is also being launched for the occasion to support the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital, to help it cope with the ongoing health emergency (you can donate by bank transfer, to IBAN IT52Z0569611100000012000X95, made out to ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII, with the reason for the donation “Donation Covid-19”: to share the initiative you can use the hashtag #pleasedonate on social media). Also responding to the campaign, which involves people from around the world close to GAMeC, is Romanian artist Dan Perjovschi (Sibiu, 1961), who has been called upon in the past to collaborate with the Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art. Perjovschi generously created ex novo a series of drawings expressing his love for Bergamo and thanks to doctors and health workers, transformed into modern heroes who fight daily for people’s lives. GAMeC’s invitation to everyone is to contribute a donation to the work of the city’s hospital, which is strenuously engaged in dealing with the Coronavirus emergency.

Radio GAMeC, with its programming, will accompany the fundraising campaign in favor of the Pope John XXIII Hospital, launched on the Gallery’s Instagram profile last week, in the coming weeks.

“In these weeks of closure we have been asking ourselves a lot about what a museum can and should do at such a difficult time for its community,” says GAMeC director Lorenzo Giusti. “The first thing was to launch a fundraising campaign to support the Pope John XXIII Hospital, to support the doctors, nurses and volunteers who are fighting for all of us in these dramatic hours. But the role of a museum in Bergamo, at this stage, is not only the inescapable one of huddling around its community: it is also to help it look up and work right away on its rebirth.”

Pictured: the Ti Berg Amo drawing made by Dan Perjovschi

Bergamo, Radio GAMeC is born, and the museum also launches a fundraiser for John XXIII Hospital
Bergamo, Radio GAMeC is born, and the museum also launches a fundraiser for John XXIII Hospital

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