Can art lead to a sustainable future? Peggy Guggenheim Collection launches new project.

The Peggy Guggenheim Collection launches the new project "Art 4 a Better Future. Art Sustainability Innovation." Can art act on change for a sustainable future?

The Peggy Guggenheim Collection launches the project Art 4 a Better Future. Art Sustainability Innovation, dedicated to the themes of Sustainability andArt as agents of change for a sustainable future.

The initiative aims to answer these questions, “What is the role of Art in promoting change and fostering reflection on global challenges? How can reflection on Art, Nature, Technology help rethink our relationship with the Contemporary?” Articulated over three meetings, two of which are open to the public, that will relate humanistic and scientific knowledge, the project sees the collaboration of two prestigious cultural and business entities, such as Ca’ Foscari University Venice with THE NEW INSTITUTE Centre for Environmental Humanities (NICHE), Ca’ Foscari Alumni, and CUOA Business School. It also has the patronage of CNR-ISPC (Institute of Cultural Heritage Sciences-National Research Center), ASviS (Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development), Confindustria Veneto East, SMACT Competence Center, wetlands, with technical contribution from PwC and media partnership of Domus.

With Art 4 a Better Future. Art Sustainability Innovation the Peggy Guggenheim Collection intends to open a multi-voice dialogue involving actors active in different fields, aimed at promoting actions related to raising awareness on the issues of climate change and sustainability, both social, environmental and economic. Art, the natural environment, human practices and technological mediations are at the center of a system of interrelationships that makes increasingly clear the fragility of ecosystems and the need for new behavioral practices through a critical and transdisciplinary approach. For this reason, the project focuses on critical reflection on the relationship between Art, Nature, Science and Technology, electing the museum as a place for experimentation and promotion of sustainability, open to dialogue on the contemporary, bringing together humanistic and scientific knowledge, with a view to openness, inclusion, active participation and promotion of cross-sectoral debate on social and environmental challenges.

The meetings, designed as a panel for dialogue and exchange, involve university professors, researchers, scholars, as well as managers, entrepreneurs and businesswomen, invited to bring their views on different areas of intervention, related to ESG issues - Environment, Social, Governance - and in particular on CSR actions - Corporate Social Responsibility - DE&I - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - Research and Innovation in the Green & Circular Economy area and innovative business models. Unitedly, the Peggy Guggenheim Collection will bring testimony regarding its experience in the areas of environmental and economic sustainability, as well as in innovation projects in the areas of conservation, education, and social inclusion, carried out thanks to important collaborations with some of Guggenheim Intrapresae’s member companies, cultural institutions, and other relevant organizations.

The first of the three events, entitled Acting Change: the Role of Art, took place on Friday, June 30. It will be followed on Friday, September 29, at Ca’ Foscari University in Venice, by the meeting Taking Care: Towards an ecology of culture (between art, science and technology), open by registration, which will include speakers Costanza Miliani, Director of the CNR Institute of Cultural Heritage Sciences; Luciano Pensabene Buemi, Conservator Peggy Guggenheim Collection; artist Giorgio Andreotta Calò; and Luca Cosentino, co-founder of wetlands. The review will close on Friday, Nov. 17, at CUOA Business School, in Altavilla Vicentina, with Imagining Possible Futures: New Paradigms, an open meeting by registration, which will be attended by, among others, Antonio Calabrò, Head of Institutional Affairs, Senior Advisor Culture Pirelli Spa, Walter Bertin, Founder and CEO Labomar, and Matteo Faggin, General Manager SMACT Competence Center.

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Can art lead to a sustainable future? Peggy Guggenheim Collection launches new project.
Can art lead to a sustainable future? Peggy Guggenheim Collection launches new project.

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