Louvre posts Mona Lisa in French national team jersey on Twitter to celebrate World Cup victory

Louvre unleashed on Twitter after France's World Cup win: Mona Lisa dressed in French national team jersey in celebration.

An unprecedented Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, the one posted yesterday on the Louvre’s Twitter profile: in fact, the celebrated Mona Lisa is wearing the jersey of the French national soccer team in the photo posted by the Parisian museum. It was a way to celebrate the victory at the Russia 2018 World Cup, achieved after France defeated Croatia 4-2 in the final.

The cute initiative then sparked a very long series of back-and-forth between the Italians and the French, who began to poke fun at each other under the tweet, with shots of “give us back the Mona Lisa,” photos of the victorious Italian national team at the 2006 World Cup, and various memes (from the photo of an empty shed with the words “This is what the Louvre would look like without Italian works” to the obvious images of bidets, via videos of Sgarbi’s “mission” to Paris a few years ago, when for a commercial he declared that he was going to the Louvre to take back the Mona Lisa). The museum then issued another tweet reminding Italians that the Mona Lisa is legitimately French since it was purchased by King Francis I in the 16th century (as we had explained in an article on the subject). And beyond the social stereotype nationalisms, there are also those who, cleverly, publish an image of the Mona Lisa dressed in a sombrero and jersey of Mexico’s national team, to remind how the painting has no nationality, but is the heritage of all humanity.

Louvre posts Mona Lisa in French national team jersey on Twitter to celebrate World Cup victory
Louvre posts Mona Lisa in French national team jersey on Twitter to celebrate World Cup victory

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