Pompeii, four female citizens launch petition to ask for subsidized annual ticket

In Pompeii, four female citizens launch a petition calling for the introduction of an annual ticket to access the Archaeological Park

Four female citizens of Pompeii (Anna Grazioso, Carlotta Amitrano, Marina Minniti, and Sonia Di Prisco) have recently launched the Pompeii 365 petition to ask the authorities in charge to establish an annual concessionary ticket in order to allow entry to the Pompeii Archaeological Park for 365 days a year. The idea was born to allow a better enhancement of the site, to extend access to citizens of the Vesuvian area (who could thus access the Park as often as they wish), and to optimize visitor flows (especially those who access the park on free Sundays).

“We citizens, following the example of the recent establishment of the annual ticket in the Royal Palace of Caserta and the National Archaeological Museum in Naples, and in the wake of what has already been happening for some time in major European museums (among others: Vienna Museum of Art History and Imperial Treasures, Museums of the Netherlands a single ticket for all the nation’s museums; State Museums of Berlin),” reads the text addressed to Minister Alberto Bonisoli and superintendents Massimo Osanna and Pietro Amitrano, “we request the establishment of a concessionary annual ticket at the Archaeological Excavations of Pompeii, aimed at all citizens of the European Union, allowing access to the site for 365 days from the date of issue, for the purpose of better enjoyment and promotion of the same.”

What Grazioso, Amitrano, Minniti and Di Prisco asked for, the citizens explain in a note, is already a reality in several museums (for example, in Paestum where the annual ticket costs 25 euros, and the same for the park of the Reggia di Caserta, while in Lombardy with a 45-euro card it is possible to access all the state museums in the region for a year). All citizens, in fact, declare the four promoters of the petition, “are called to defend and love Pompeii as a heritage of humanity, a city that is still alive, that returns new treasures to us every day,” and must therefore have “the opportunity to get close to the site,” so that “they experience it every day, making it part of their lives.”

For information and to sign the petition one can link to the Pompeii 365 Facebook page.


Pompeii, four female citizens launch petition to ask for subsidized annual ticket
Pompeii, four female citizens launch petition to ask for subsidized annual ticket

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