Signed the decree on the organization and operation of the National Museum System

The director general of museums, Antonio Lampis, has signed the decree on the organization and operation of the National Museum System. Here is what it provides.

The guidelines for the organization and operation of the National Museum System, created by ministerial decree on Feb. 21, 2018, have arrived: the director general of museums, Antonio Lampis, signed the decree. The guidelines occupy four pages. They begin with the organizational steps for the creation of the National System: multilevel verification of the list of Italian museums for updates, activation of an IT platform to ensure the connection and accreditation of museums and cultural places of the National Museum System, connection and accreditation to the System of museums after verification of the quality standards of the institutions, zero bureaucracy for the Commission for the National Museum System, achieved through digital communication between the members, use of videoconferencing, and online voting. The decree also establishes thresholds for museums to enter the System: each museum is given a score from 0 to 10, those who reach at least 6 points will enter the System (but with lower scores, museums “are still understood to be connected to the National Museum System for the start of a path of growth and awareness on museum standards”).

Still, the decree provides for the adoption of initiatives (at least bimonthly) useful for giving visibility to the National Museum System (whose headquarters is established in the Planetarium Museum): for example, meetings, conferences, events and exhibitions having museums and the System itself as themes. Importance is also given to the web: the directorate will boost the development of useful platforms for interconnecting the websites and social spaces of the System’s institutions.

On the other hand, as far as operation is concerned, the decree states that the implementation of the system is overseen by the Director General of Museums and the Directors of the Museum Poles in collaboration with the Director General’s staff; that the operation of the system is instead entrusted to Service II of the Directorate General of Museums; that the launch of the system includes the creation of an intranet for museums and places of culture, initiatives to promote awareness of the databases for museum management and the Art Bonus system, the creation, also online, of an operational vademecum for the management of state museums with reference to administrative and legal aspects, the launch of an ongoing training program for museum operators (also in e-learning), the creation of a network of specialized professional figures for specific or temporary needs of certain museums, the creation of a “database of Italian museum best practices,” the organization of the annual meeting of Italian museum directors, and the digitization of the National Museum System.

Signed the decree on the organization and operation of the National Museum System
Signed the decree on the organization and operation of the National Museum System

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