The Pecci Center in Prato will broadcast... the final of the Sanremo Festival at the museum

A curious initiative of Prato's Pecci Center, which is organizing a screening of the Sanremo Festival final at the museum's cinema on Saturday, Feb. 10. Cost of participation: 15 euros. Included then also voucher to see the museum (whose ticket costs 10 euros).

A decidedly curious event at the Pecci Center in Prato, evidently looking for new ways to attract a different audience than usual: the Tuscan contemporary art museum has in fact organized, for next Saturday, February 10, a Sanremo-themed evening, during which it will give the public the opportunity to... follow the final of the Sanremo Festival from the museum’s cinema.

“The Italian Song Festival,” the Pecci writes on its social accounts, “arrives on the big screen of our cinema, giving all passionate people a unique experience!” The experience is, precisely, to see the RAI program on the big screen. All by paying a 15 euro ticket in order to participate in the live broadcast from 8:30 pm. But the evening’s program is actually even more extensive, since, as the museum points out, it goes from 6 p.m. until, of course, late into the night to the announcement of the Festival winner. From 6 to 7 p.m. there will be a guided tour of the exhibition Eccentrica. The Pecci Center’s Collections, while from 7 to 8:30 p.m. there will be an aperitif at CARGO, the Pecci Center’s Bar Bistro. In this case, full participation (guided tour+aperitif+screening) costs 30 euros. Reservation still required in all cases.

On social media, the initiative is already causing discussion and has also unleashed some irony, as well as some controversy, about the ticket cost of 15 euros considered excessive to see a program that one can easily watch for free from home. And last night, the cinema curator of the Pecci Center, Luigi Barni, with a post on social media responded sarcastically to the criticism: “Given the controversy about the 15 euro entrance ticket for the Sanremo final at the Pecci Center cinema (which is also a voucher to see the exhibitions in the coming months), if you want I can propose to the management to add in the price also the screening afterwards of a Lucio Fulci classic.” Pecci has since made it known in a note that the 15-euro ticket will also include a voucher, usable until June 2024, to visit exhibitions and the Pecci Center’s collection (basic admission costs 10 euros). Will this be enough to convince the people of Prato to see Sanremo at the museum instead of at home? We’ll see...

Pictured: the Pecci Center

The Pecci Center in Prato will broadcast... the final of the Sanremo Festival at the museum
The Pecci Center in Prato will broadcast... the final of the Sanremo Festival at the museum

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