Week of the Italian Language in the World: Comics in Museums protagonists

Protagonists of the 20th Italian Language Week in the World are Comics in Museums, the 51 albums that tell the story of Italy's cultural heritage.

MiBACT is participating in the 20th Week of the Italian Language in the World with Fumetti nei Musei, the initiative launched in 2018 to tell young people about the richness of Italy’s cultural heritage through an immediate language. 51 albums, produced in collaboration with Coconino Press - Fandango and the support of Ales spa, drawn by some of the best Italian cartoonists, illustrate the art collections of 51 state-owned museums and archaeological parks. The albums have been reprinted for the occasion in a special print run: 1,300 copies of each album for a total of more than 66 thousand volumes distributed to more than 200 branches of the foreign network of the international promotion of Italian culture (82 Italian Cultural Institutes in the World, 52 Italian Schools abroad and 70 Italian Embassies and Consulates abroad), which will thus have in their libraries captivating educational material aimed at telling students about Italian museums.

The theme of this edition of the Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo is L’italiano tra parola e immagine: graffiti, illustrations, comics: a theme that fits perfectly with the entire series.

During Italian Language Week, from October 19 to 25, there will also be five webinars, each coordinated by the director of the local Institute of Culture, during which the authors of the comics will dialogue with museum directors: Oct. 20, Madrid, with ZUZU and Lorena Canottiere together with the general director of Museums and director of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, Massimo Osanna; Oct. 21, Sao Paulo, Brazil, with ALTAN and Sara Colaone together with the director of the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, Paolo Giulierini; Oct. 22, Abu Dhabi, with Ratigher, Antonio Pronostico and Fulvio Risuleo together with the director of the Gallery of theAcademy of Florence, Cecile Hollberg; Oct. 23 New York, with Paolo Bacilleri and Luca Baldazzi together with the director of the Pinacoteca di Brera, James Bradburne; Oct. 24 Tokyo, with LRNZ and lecturer Paolo La Marca together with Cristiana Collu, director of the National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art.

Also online on MiBACT’s YouTube channel is I mestieri del fumetto, the series of short documentaries made especially for this initiative: fourteen interviews in seven episodes directed by Fulvio Risuleo, dedicated to the confrontation with the Italian language of the different professions of the drawn strips. Artists and artists, editors, illustrators, colorists, translators, up to those who deal with lettering, discuss how their profession dialogues with the Italian language.

To enrich the program of initiatives, until Jan. 10, 2021, the Shrine of Hercules the Victor at Villa d’Este in Tivoli is hosting an exhibition displaying the 51 comics and some of the original plates kept at the Comics Fund of the Central Institute for Graphics.

“On the eve of Dante’s year,” said MiBACT Minister Dario Franceschini, “this initiative is further confirmation of the vitality and versatility of the Italian language. The collaboration between MiBACT and MAECI will promote in the world the cultural heritage and collections of Italian museums with an innovative language, while offering a new learning tool to the hundreds of thousands of people who love and study our language.”

For more information: fumettineimusei.it

Week of the Italian Language in the World: Comics in Museums protagonists
Week of the Italian Language in the World: Comics in Museums protagonists

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