Help African children by discovering art history

We are launching our art history course today, and to mark the occasion we are launching a charity initiative to benefit AMREF

Today Windows on Art is launching a great new feature: the art history course, with which anyone will be able to discover the entire great history of Italian art from the thirteenth century to the early nineteenth century. The course is divided into thirty-five modules that will introduce the art-historical context of the period and talk about movements, local developments of art forms (we focused on painting and sculpture), and the main protagonists. Each module will then refer to episodes of our podcast (for over 40 hours of recording) devoted to the protagonists of the module, with appropriate links.

To access the course simply click on this link. The first five modules of the course are free access, while the remaining thirty are licensed for paid access, and the amount of the offer will be decided by you!

To mark the launch of the course, we have come up with a charitable initiative. In fact, for all sales of our art history course in amounts over 2 euros from now until October 20, we have decided to donate 50% of the proceeds to AMREF (African Medical and Research Foundation), an NGO that helps people in Africa. For decades now, AMREF has been assisting African children, fightingAIDS and endemic diseases in the area through medical checkups and vaccination works, providing assistance to mothers giving birth, training doctors, providing water to populations through the construction of wells, cisterns and aqueducts, and much more.

So from today, discovering the history of art also means helping African children! :-) We hope you will enjoy the initiative, and we hope you will enjoy our course, be interested in it and discover many artists!

Ilaria and Federico


Warning: the translation into English of the original Italian article was created using automatic tools. We undertake to review all articles, but we do not guarantee the total absence of inaccuracies in the translation due to the program. You can find the original by clicking on the ITA button. If you find any mistake,please contact us.