Chicago: even the city's statues wear masks

Chicago's cultural institutions have decided to set a good example for citizens by making statues wear Coronavirus protection masks as well.

Even statues wear the masks provided as a safety rule for the Covid-19 health emergency: it happens in Chicago, where three of the city’s sculptures have their mouths covered by the mask to urge residents to follow the good example.

In fact, in Illinois there is a requirement to wear the protective device when walking in the streets in order to protect others and to protect oneself.

Chicago’s major cultural institutions have taken up the call, making large sculptures placed in public spaces wear masks. In particular, to the two bronze lions, made by Edward Kemeys in the late 19th century, that guard the entrance to the prestigious Art Institute. These are the symbol of the city: the cultural institution therefore decided to have the two monumental sculptures set a good example.

In Daley Plaza, on the other hand, the giant steel sculpture of Pablo Picasso, resembling a mask, is located, and it, too, was made to wear a protective mask.

The masks, fabricated from weatherproof material, have Chicago’s colors: four red stars arranged horizontally on a white field with two parallel blue stripes.

Ph.Credit Scott Olson/AFP

Chicago: even the city's statues wear masks
Chicago: even the city's statues wear masks

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