Culture and tourism: Milan, Genoa and Turin create an axis to promote their respective areas

An agreement between Milan, Genoa and Turin to promote culture and tourism in their respective areas. Here's what it involves.

The municipalities of Milan, Genoa and Turin have signed a memorandum of understanding to promote projects related to economic and tourism development, cultural activities and joint tourism promotion: the axis between the three cities will focus mainly on major events, sports events, design, fashion, food and wine, crafts and territorial marketing. Actions will be promoted both domestically and in important international markets of mutual interest.

The objective of the capitals of Lombardy, Liguria and Piedmont is to promote nationally and internationally their respective tourist destinations, intensifying synergies and operations and planning joint initiatives for the development and promotion of the tourism offer, with the aim of increasing national and international tourist flows, by systemizing actions aimed at integrating the attractive capacities of their respective territories.

The agreement envisages synergistic actions aimed at consolidating the knowledge and integration between the three territories, and to mutually protect, enhance and promote the historical, artistic, cultural and tourist heritage of the cities and territories of reference, as well as the landscape-environmental, artisan, commercial and food and wine heritage as well as tourism economic development. And then again, there will be actions to foster the development of an integrated and complementary tourism offer, to propose nationally and internationally a complementary and integrated tourism offer, including through joint participation in fairs and marketing events in national and international markets of common interest, and to generate virtuous contaminations and sharing of best practices in a perspective of socio-economic and tourism development.

“This collaboration agreement,” say the tourism aldermen of the three municipalities, Roberta Guaineri (Milan), Laura Gaggero (Genoa) and Alberto Sacco (Turin), “is an important step to address the serious crisis in which the entire tourism sector finds itself due to the measures instituted to counter the Covid-19 pandemic. We will act together to promote a tourism of proximity, valuing the work, professionalism and skills of all players in the supply chain, starting with guides and tour leaders. In order to convey the knowledge, specificity and excellence of our territories nationally and supranationally, we will organize educational tours with tour operators, press trips with journalists, influencers and opinion leaders, meetings and exchanges of experiences between tour operators, co-marketing initiatives and creation of joint promotional materials.”

Culture and tourism: Milan, Genoa and Turin create an axis to promote their respective areas
Culture and tourism: Milan, Genoa and Turin create an axis to promote their respective areas

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