Inaugurated the new exit of the Uffizi Gallery

The new exit of the Uffizi Gallery, which will allow visitors to take a shorter tour of the museum, has been inaugurated.

A second exit to the Uffizi in Florence was inaugurated yesterday for those who prefer to take a shorter tour of the galleries, crossing the Natalini di Ponente staircase.
After admiring Giotto, Botticelli, Piero della Francesca, the Tribuna and Michelangelo’s Tondo Doni, visitors can interrupt the tour and descend by elevator or stairs to find themselves in Piazza Signoria, next to the Loggia dei Lanzi.
Here’s how Eike Schmidt, director of the galleries, explained this choice: "Not every visitor to the Uffizi has the intention of taking an exhaustive tour of all the treasures housed there, nor do they always have the time available. Just as there may be the case of someone who prefers to see or review a few rooms and a more limited group of works. Now it is possible to leave after seeing the masterpieces of the Italian and European Middle Ages and Renaissance on the second floor, perhaps even stopping to see Bernini’s San Lorenzo and other works from the Contini Bonacossi Donation, which has been housed in rooms near the Scalone Natalini di Ponente since a few weeks ago. Offering the short route encourages a slowed-down, in-depth and less hurried enjoyment, because it takes away the psychological pressure of having to search to see all of the more than two thousand works of art currently on display. What is more, the establishment of alternative routes helps decongest the halls, and thus improves the quality of the visit. It is difficult and very tiring to see the masterpieces of the Uffizi in one go, so diversifying the routes will help people go more directly to the works and sections of interest."

Photo credit Wikimedia Commons

Inaugurated the new exit of the Uffizi Gallery
Inaugurated the new exit of the Uffizi Gallery

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