Lodi, fire destroys what was left of Giuliano Mauri's Plant Cathedral

In Lodi, a fire that broke out yesterday night destroyed what was left of Giuliano Mauri's Vegetable Cathedral, the massive installation inaugurated in 2017 and torn down due to decay in 2019.

Of Giuliano Mauri ’s Vegetal Cathedral in Lodi now nothing remains: in fact, it was destroyed last night by a fire that broke out among the remains of the Lombard artist’s monumental installation. A work that had a very tribulated life: inaugurated in April 2017, it was a large vegetal architecture consisting of 108 oak columns forming five naves, and had taken a year to complete. However, by 2019 it was already in a state of severe disrepair, and just two years after the inauguration only 28 columns of the original 108 were left, so that by December 2019 it had been torn down.

The fire now did the rest, wiping out what little remained of the installation, which cost 300,000 euros: the felled columns, in fact, had been piled up in a fenced area near the bike path that ran next to it. This was most likely an arson fire: the area where the columns of what was once the Vegetable Cathedral had been placed had been secured, so it is highly unlikely that the fire started from natural causes. The fire was later extinguished by firefighters.

Lodi, fire destroys what was left of Giuliano Mauri's Plant Cathedral
Lodi, fire destroys what was left of Giuliano Mauri's Plant Cathedral

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