Louvre, two activists throw soup at Mona Lisa

At the Louvre two activists threw soup at the Mona Lisa today. No damage to the work.

At the Louvre , two activists threw soup at Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa . The two women wore t-shirts that read “Food Response.” After making the gesture, they began shouting “What’s more important?” with the other responding “Our agricultural system is sick.” They repeated the phrase a few times after which they were stopped by French museum security staff.

The scene was then covered with some black panels so that no one could film it again. No damage was done to the work, which is protected by glass-the only boredom is for those who will have to clean up the soup. This is not the first time the Mona Lisa has been targeted: in 2022 an environmentalist threw a cake at it, again without doing any damage, only giving extra work to the cleaners.

Louvre, two activists throw soup at Mona Lisa
Louvre, two activists throw soup at Mona Lisa

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