Minister Bonisoli: "Autonomous museums will remain within the state."

Cultural Heritage Minister Alberto Bonisoli said that autonomous museums will continue to remain state-owned.

Autonomous museums will remain state-run, Cultural Heritage Minister Alberto Bonisoli said in aninterview with the AgCult portal. The minister said that that of autonomous museums is an area that must be brought back within the state perimeter. We are talking about realities that will remain within the state and it is the state that has to find a way to make them function at their best, not the other way around. When I saw the reform, I had the limpression that there was almost an ideological point of view: almost to say the state can only do so much so let’s put some distance between the state and some institutions so that they can function better.

Bonisoli also added that “it is the state that has to find ways to make these institutions function better, but their role and positioning must be within the state perimeter. Museums can also remain autonomous: however, one of the assessments we will make is which museums and what it means to be autonomous.” The minister further stated in the interview that the reform of the ministry is currently being studied and will be ready in May.

Minister Bonisoli:
Minister Bonisoli: "Autonomous museums will remain within the state."

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