Pontedera, artist creates nativity scene where the Madonna has Ferragni's face: controversy ensues

New controversy starring Chiara Ferragni. In Pontedera, the Madonna of the Nativity has the face of the well-known influencer.

Chiara Ferragni is once again at the center of controversy in recent days, although in reality the well-known influencer was not aware of it.

It happened that the Municipality of Pontedera, in the province of Pisa, decided to hang, as a Christmas decoration, a nativity scene on the balcony of the town hall, and to depict the Madonna with Ferragni’s face.

The choice is sparking much controversy: the municipality is being accused of blasphemy. The artist Jacopo Pischedda made the Nativity, and the fact that the Madonna’s face had the likeness of the famous influencer had not been communicated by either the artist or the organizers. Pischedda told local newspapers that although he had sent a message to Ferragni and she had not responded to him, he decided to go ahead with the project, saying that he chose his face to depict the Madonna because Chiara Ferragni "is a symbol of our times and very much followed by young people," but that he did not want to offend anyone.

To quinewsvaldera, the artist said, "It’s meant to be a message of positivity. Ferragni is getting a lot of visibility as an influencer and she is involved in art, a few months ago she was a testimonial for the Uffizi, but she is also sensitive together with Fedez regarding the pandemic and Prime Minister Conte has charged her with reminding young people how important it is to use a mask. She is an intelligent woman who uses her popularity to send positive messages, which is why I depicted her in the role of the Madonna."
“Mine is a pop work,” he added, “with very strong colors, who better to represent a popular icon today than Chiara Ferragni?”

The mayor of Pontedera, Matteo Franconi, reacted to the controversy by pointing out that “art exists only if the patron does not exercise the arrogant pride of wanting to limit the artist,” while Fratelli d’Italia city councilor Matteo Bagnoli attacked by stating, “Considering the institutional place where the installation is located I think it is a really serious and offensive gesture towards all the faithful. Stop making fun of the Christian religion. For such ’jokes’ made about other faiths people have lost their lives. This is not art, it is blasphemy.”

Pictured is Chiara Ferragni’s face (circled in red) in the Pontedera Nativity. Ph.Credit quinewsvaldera

Pontedera, artist creates nativity scene where the Madonna has Ferragni's face: controversy ensues
Pontedera, artist creates nativity scene where the Madonna has Ferragni's face: controversy ensues

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