Riccardo Muti:Closing theaters and concerts is an expression of ignorance and inculture

Conductor Riccardo Muti makes a heartfelt appeal to Premier Conte. The letter published in the Corriere.

"Closing concert halls and theaters is a serious decision. The impoverishment of the mind and spirit is dangerous and also harms the health of the body. To define, as I have heard from some government representatives, as ’superfluous’ theatrical and musical activity is an expression of ignorance, inculture and lack of sensitivity." Maestro Riccardo Muti reacts with these words to the provisions of the new DPCM, which calls for the closure of cinemas, theaters and concert halls.

In a letter published in the Corriere della Sera addressed to Prime Minister Conte, the celebrated conductor makes a “heartfelt appeal,” pointing out that the “decision does not take into consideration the sacrifices, sufferings and responsibilities before civil society of thousands of artists and workers in all the various sectors of the performing arts, who certainly feel today that their professional dignity is offended and full of apprehension for the future of their lives.”

He adds, “The theaters are governed by people who are aware of the anti Covid regulations, and the safety measures indicated and recommended have always been respected.”

Maestro Muti therefore calls for"reviving theatrical and musical activities for that need for spiritual food without which society becomes despondent."


Riccardo Muti:Closing theaters and concerts is an expression of ignorance and inculture
Riccardo Muti:Closing theaters and concerts is an expression of ignorance and inculture

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