The British Museum recovered hundreds of objects that had been stolen from it

The British Museum announced that it has already successfully recovered 626 objects among the 1,500 that have been stolen from the museum in recent years.

The British Museum in London has announced that it has recovered an additional 268 objects among those missing and stolen, bringing the total number of objects recovered to 626 after the discovery of numerous thefts at the institution over the years, for which a former curator is suspected, and whose case led to the resignation of former director Hartwig Fischer. The museum also confirmed that it is currently working on new leads for about 100 objects.

The museum estimates that a total of about 2,000 objects are damaged or missing. Within these, the number of missing or stolen objects is about 1,500, and the number of damaged objects (but physically present in the museum) is about 500. Of the 1,500 missing or stolen, 626, as mentioned, have now returned to the British Museum.

Entrance to the British Museum. Photo: Matthew Brown
Entrance to the British Museum. Photo: Matthew Brown

The museum’s recovery operation, the British makes known, is global, with objects now recovered from all over Europe and North America. British Museum President George Osborne said, “Few expected to see this day, and even I had my doubts. When we announced the devastating news that objects had been stolen from our collection, people understandably assumed that was the case: we were unlikely to see more than a handful again. That’s usually the story with thefts like this. But the British Museum team refused to give up. Through clever detective work and a network of supporters we have achieved a remarkable result: more than 600 objects are back with us and another 100 have been identified -- in total almost half of the stolen objects we have been able to recover. This is a great result, but we are not stopping there: the hunt for the remaining missing items continues. I urge anyone with information to follow the example of all those who helped us and get in touch.” Photographs of some of the returned objects have been posted on the museum’s website in order to give a clear indication of the type of materials stolen. If anyone is aware of missing items or is concerned that they may have inadvertently purchased something from the collection, the museum urges them to contact

Here are some of the missing objects and some recovered:

Greek gold necklace with lions, Cyprus, 3rd century BC (missing).
Greek gold necklace with lions, Cyprus, 3rd century B.C. (missing)
Roman bracelet, 2nd-3rd century B.C. (missing)
Roman bracelet, 2nd-3rd century B.C. (missing)
Late Bronze Age ring, from Enkomi (Cyprus), 1450-1200 B.C. (missing)
Late Bronze Age ring, from Enkomi (Cyprus), 1450-1200 BC (missing)
Cameo with head of Cupid, 1st century B.C.-I century A.D. (recovered)
Cameo with Cupid’s head, 1st century BC-1st century AD (recovered)
Glass carving with head of Minerva, 1st century B.C.-I century A.D. (recovered)
Glass carving with head of Minerva, 1st century B.C.-I century A.D. (recovered)
Glass carving with the Rape of Ganymede, 1st century B.C.-I century A.D. (recovered)
Glass carving with the rape of Ganymede, 1st century B.C.-I century A.D. (recovered)

The British Museum recovered hundreds of objects that had been stolen from it
The British Museum recovered hundreds of objects that had been stolen from it

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