The restoration of the Arch of Janus on the MiBACT Youtube channel

A video showing the stages of the restoration, completed in 2016, of the Arch of Janus in Rome is available on MiBACT's Youtube channel.

A video showing images of the restoration of the Arch of Janus, one of the sacred sites ofancient Rome, is available on MiBACT’s Youtube channel.

Thanks to the first donation from the World Monument Fund, the restoration of the southwestern façade of the Arch and the Forum Boarium was started on September 15, 2016, and through a very evocative video it is possible to retrace the stages of this important recovery operation: the specificity of one of the most famous monuments of ancient Rome is narrated, in English. The video was made possible thanks to the collaboration between the Soprintendenza Speciale Architettura, Belle Arti e Paesaggio di Roma, headed by Daniela Porro, and the World Monument Fund itself.

The Arch of Janus was the only access to the city from the Tiber River, located at the crossroads between the Imperial Forum and the Forum Boarium. A sacred place, where temples, still visible, dedicated to Portunus, Fortuna and Hercules the Victor were built.

The viewer is invited to enter Augustan Rome by crossing the quadriporticus arch, to discover its most hidden secrets by means of 3D elevations created by the team of restorers. One enters its interior by means of the complex system of stairs that crosses it, closely admires the surfaces accompanied by the technicians and follows the work of cleaning, plastering and the application of a water-repellent protective coating. A pilot restoration, which allowed for experimentation with the most innovative techniques and materials.

A video is available at this link .


The restoration of the Arch of Janus on the MiBACT Youtube channel
The restoration of the Arch of Janus on the MiBACT Youtube channel

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