Three regions in orange, close museums. Nardella appeals to Draghi: let's keep them open

Three regions (Liguria, Tuscany and Abruzzo) in orange again, close museums. Disappointment in Genoa for newly reopened Palazzo Ducale, and from Florence Mayor Nardella appeals to Draghi to keep museums open even in orange zone.

As three regions move into the orange zone starting tomorrow, Sunday, Feb. 13 (they are Tuscany, Liguria and Abruzzo), their respective museums will close their doors again after not even a month since reopening. Closed again, then, are all the museums that had already reopened and were already looking forward to the weeks ahead: from the Uffizi to the Royal Palace in Genoa, from the Ducal Palace to the National Museum in L’Aquila. A tug and pull that is certainly not good for the institutions and does not allow them to plan and look forward to the future with serenity.

The disappointment of Genoa

And it is in this sense that a first hot comment comes from the Palazzo Ducale in Genoa (which had reopened just last Feb. 1), where director Serena Bertolucci speaks of an eroded future: “We face a new closure with great concern,” Bertolucci says. “Each lost week is actually a fragment of an eroded future because not only does it prevent us from procuring the economic means that allow us to offer the public upcoming initiatives, but because each time they interrupt the creation and satisfaction of cultural needs, always safely. It is also saddening that yet another sacrifice of culture goes unnoticed.”

Palazzo Ducale is again forced to interrupt the exhibition on Michelangelo on which the institute was counting on to restart: “Michelangelo is interrupted,” says the director, “an exhibition that was giving us great satisfaction, the exhibition with the largest number of Michelangelo documents and drawings ever proposed, just as Oedipus Rex, the performance exhibition conceived by Davide Livermore, which was a unique case in Italy, admired for its courage and evocative power, is interrupted. It is a very hard moment for culture, for our foundation. Those who can stand by us and support us. We need sponsors, networks, confrontation. We need anyone who is willing to raise their voice to claim the importance of culture in everyone’s life.”

Florence’s appeal

From Florence, where the inconveniences are equal to those in Genoa (forced to close the newly opened Bronzino exhibition at Palazzo Vecchio and forced to postpone the reopening of the Accademia Gallery scheduled for December 16), Mayor Dario Nardella is instead appealing to Prime Minister Mario Draghi to ask that museums remain open even in the orange zone. “Even in the orange zone Italian museums would be able to maintain security,” he told Florence Today. “My appeal to Draghi is to have at heart the fate of museums, whether small or large, and to show for culture and art sites the same attention that has been shown for schools.”

Image: Genoa, Palazzo Ducale, Sala del Maggior Consiglio. Ph. G. Knights

Three regions in orange, close museums. Nardella appeals to Draghi: let's keep them open
Three regions in orange, close museums. Nardella appeals to Draghi: let's keep them open

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