Trentino geologist Michele Lanzinger is the new president of ICOM Italy

Trentino geologist Michele Lanzinger, director of Trento's Science Museum since 2013, is the new president of ICOM Italy, the Italian committee of the main body representing museums worldwide.

ICOM Italy has a new president: he is Trentino geologist Michele Lanzinger, who succeeds Adele Maresca Compagna (appointed vice president) in the post. Lanzinger’s appointment came during the latest ordinary members’ meeting, held in Rome, which saw the renewal of the entire Board of Directors of the Italian committee of the main body representing museums around the world. Lanzinger, born in Trento in 1957, has been director of the Trent Museum of Science since 2013, where he joined in 1988 as conservator for the geology section. Under his coordination, the Tridentine Museum of Natural Sciences has changed its face, becoming one of the leading and most visited European institutes of its kind (his was the museological project that brought the museum to its current home designed by Renzo Piano).

Lanzinger will serve as president of ICOM Italy until 2025. “The commitment as president,” he said, “will first and foremost insist on the promotion of museums for their increasingly active and relevant role within their communities of reference and operate as agents of local development with attention to sustainability in its environmental, socio-cultural, and economic declination. Attention will be paid to relations with administrations and politics starting with fostering the adoption of the very recent new ICOM definition of a museum and providing maximum willingness to support the path of affirmation of the National Museum System. On the museological front, efforts will be made to provide stimuli and materials to improve internal management by paying attention to accountability reporting and its communication to users and public and private stakeholders. Support will also be given to initiatives aimed at better and better qualifying the figure of the museum professional by promoting a dimension of continuing education as well as supporting initiatives designed also for student members and providing for the implementation of collaborative projects and exchange of best practices among members while also taking into account the professionals working in the broad context of cultural action. The Regional Coordinations will be supported with particular energy, recognizing their function as fundamental articulations for the development of ICOM Italy’s relations with the territories, and the Thematic Commissions and Working Groups as laboratories and antennas on contemporary museology also thanks to the connections with ICOM’s International Committees.”

The rest of the board is made up of Martina De Luca (Training Manager of the Foundation School of Cultural Heritage and Activities), Tiziana Maffei (Director of the Royal Palace of Caserta), Anna Maria Marras (Researcher in Library Science and Archival Studies at the University of Turin), Antonella Pinna (Director of the Cultural Resources Enhancement Service, Museums, Archives and Libraries of the Region of Umbria), Margherita Sani (Former official of the Cultural Heritage Sector of the Emilia-Romagna Region, Project Coordinator NEMO Network of European Museum Organization), Daniela Tisi (Head of the Cultural Heritage and Activities Sector of the Marche Region), Babet Trevisan (Head of Museum and Cultural Events at the Fondazione Querini Stampalia in Venice).

The board of arbitrators was also renewed: Giuliana Ericani, former director of the Museum Library-Archive in Bassano del Grappa (VI), was reappointed as chair of the board of arbitrators. Maria Lucia Ferruzza (Archaeologist of the Regional Archaeological Museum “Antonino Salinas” in Palermo), Daniele Jalla (Consultant of the Regional Secretariat of Lombardy of the MiC in the National Museum of Resistance project in Milan), Federica Manoli (Collection manager and Head of educational services of the Poldi Pezzoli Museum in Milan), Cecilia Sodano (Head of cultural services, sports and tourism sector of the Municipality of Bracciano and director of the Civic Museum of the same municipality) are in their first term.

Trentino geologist Michele Lanzinger is the new president of ICOM Italy
Trentino geologist Michele Lanzinger is the new president of ICOM Italy

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