Venice, high water again today, touched 154 cm, San Marco closed. City opens account for aid

It promises to be another day of passion for Venice: in fact, the weather forecast gives new high water peaks, and just now, at 11:35 a.m., the tide peaked at 154 cm, then dropped. The Municipality of Venice recommends that citizens and tourists be extremely careful. As a precaution, St. Mark’s Square has been closed and public service connections in the Grand Canal have been suspended. This morning, Mayor Luigi Brugnaro met with Minister of Cultural Heritage Dario Franceschini to take stock of the situation in the city and aid.

And speaking of aid, the municipality has opened a special current account open to donations from anyone with “Venice in their heart,” as the title of the initiative reads. Any amount can be paid into the current account in the name of City of Venice-Emergenza acqua alta, IBAN IT24T0306902117100000018767, BIC code BCITITMM, reason for contribution water emergency. The tide, due to strengthening sirocco winds, will continue to remain at high levels (above one meter) for several more days.

Venice, high water again today, touched 154 cm, San Marco closed. City opens account for aid
Venice, high water again today, touched 154 cm, San Marco closed. City opens account for aid

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