Franceschini promises: government will strengthen investment on restorations to protect heritage

Minister of Cultural Heritage Dario Franceschini promises that the government will strengthen investment in restoration and protection.

The yellow government will increase investment in restoration and heritage protection. This was promised this morning by Minister of Cultural Heritage Dario Franceschini speaking at the opening of the XXVI International Exhibition of Restoration, Museums and Cultural Enterprises in Ferrara (moreover, the minister’s hometown). “That of restoration,” Franceschini said, “is a fast-growing sector, an Italian excellence recognized throughout the world, on which the government will strengthen investment both because of the constitutional duty to protect cultural heritage and to support cultural heritage businesses operating in our country.”

The minister further reiterated that restoration in Italy is a sector of excellence: “we must continue to invest strongly in the excellence that we have in Italy from the Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione ed il Restauro, to the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence, to the Istituto Centrale per il Restauro e la Conservazione del Patrimonio Archivistico e Librario, to the many restorers engaged in the sites of culture and who work daily in museums, archaeological parks, libraries, archives and peripheral structures of the Ministry.”

Franceschini promises: government will strengthen investment on restorations to protect heritage
Franceschini promises: government will strengthen investment on restorations to protect heritage

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