Medieval art - Finestre sull'Arte

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When Giotto and Cimabue were in Pisa. The church of San Francesco

When Giotto and Cimabue were in Pisa. The church of San Francesco

In 2015 ago the church of St. Francis in Pisa, the second largest in the Tuscan city after the monumental cathedral, was closed due to a partial roof collapse that compromised the safety of the holy place. Then, in the last months of 2023, the Superi...
The CR Foligno Foundation acquires a valuable triptych by Giovanni di Corraduccio from 1415

The CR Foligno Foundation acquires a valuable triptych by Giovanni di Corraduccio from 1415

Important acquisition for the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Foligno, which secured a remarkable triptych by Giovanni di Corraduccio (Foligno, news 1404 to 1437). The work, a Virgin Enthroned with Child and Saints and scenes from the lives of the V...
The Pisa sinopites. what they are, what they were used for, how they were discovered

The Pisa sinopites. what they are, what they were used for, how they were discovered

A collection that is widely described as "unique in the world": that of the Museo delle Sinopie in Pisa, consisting entirely of sinopites. One could define sinopia as the preparatory drawing of a fresco: it is one of the least known elements of medie...
Siena, Sassetta work discovered. It is on display in Massa Marittima

Siena, Sassetta work discovered. It is on display in Massa Marittima

There is also an unpublished work at the exhibition on Sassetta (Stefano di Giovanni, active in Siena from 1423 to 1450) being held in Massa Marittima, at the Museo di San Pietro all'Orto, from March 15 to July 14, 2024. In fact, a new work by the Si...
In Perugia for the first time an exhibition on the Master of St. Francis

In Perugia for the first time an exhibition on the Master of St. Francis

For the first time, a major exhibition attempts to reconstruct the figure of the Master of St. Francis, one of the greatest artists of the thirteenth century, on the level of a Giunta Pisano or a Cimabue for that matter, painters to whom the anonymou...
The Greccio nativity scene of St. Francis according to Giotto

The Greccio nativity scene of St. Francis according to Giotto

In one of the scenes frescoed by Giotto in the cycle of the Stories of St. Francis that adorns the walls of the Upper Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi, one can see the saint, kneeling in front of a kind of box, with a child in his hands: this is the...
Two tablets by Pietro Lorenzetti found in France. They will go to auction

Two tablets by Pietro Lorenzetti found in France. They will go to auction

French auction house Tajan announces that it has rediscovered two important works by Pietro Lorenzetti (Siena, c. 1280 - 1348): these are two poplar wood tablets, depicting St. Sylvester and St. Helena, from the former Ramé Collection. They we...
Rimini, important 14th-century frescoes unearthed in Verucchio

Rimini, important 14th-century frescoes unearthed in Verucchio

Unveiled this morning in Verucchio (Rimini) are the 14th-century frescoes that were discovered two years ago in the church of Santa Croce in Villa Verucchio, attributed to Pietro da Rimini (Rimini, documented between 1324 and 1338) and his workshop....

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