Florence, outdoor chairs and tables only outside Unesco area for summer 2023

The City of Florence has decided to grant from June to September 2023 the possibility of putting chairs and tables outside the premises but only in the streets and squares not included in the UNESCO area.

The Municipality of Florence has decided to grant for the summer of 2023 the possibility of putting chairs and tables outside the premises but only outside the historic center, in the streets and squares not included in the Unesco area.

The Extraordinary Plan 2023 that Councillor for Commerce and Productive Activities Giovanni Bettarini is working on will allow venues outside the historic center area to keep chairs and tables out from June to November. The goal is to approve the necessary acts for the new extraordinary plan (a resolution with regulations that must be presented to the council) within the next few weeks in order to start with the extraordinary concessions on the June 2 bridge and maintain them until the November 1 and 2 bridge. The plan, which is being prepared by the offices, is based on the extraordinary regulation that was designed last year for outdoor refreshments but will readmit the possibility of applying for public land only to activities not in the Unesco area. Concessions issued under the ordinary regime both in the historic center and outside will remain in effect.

Under the extraordinary 2023 plan, extraordinary concessions may be issued in the city outside the Unesco area, where the permits issued in 2022 (last year outside the Unesco area there were about 350 activities that applied) were deemed positive and revitalized places and outdoor spaces. All occupancies will be subject to the payment of the Patrimonial Public Land Concession Fee (if there are no exemptions at the national level) and there will be heavy penalties for those who do not comply with the plan, which, in case of serious repetition, can go as far as the revocation of concessions.

“The extraordinary plan for chairs and tables 2023 is absolutely innovative,” stressed Florence Mayor Dario Nardella, “because on the one hand it protects the historic center and on the other promotes the suburbs. Thanks to the work of Councillor Bettarini and the offices, and through consultation with the trade associations, we will use this plan as a lever to rebalance flows between the center and the suburbs and to provide opportunities for vitality and social promotion in the most marginal areas. In this way we will maintain the situation in the center, where the presence of dehors is already very significant, without opening to liberalization and without applying the government’s measures, but we will allow chairs and tables in other neighborhoods, obviously always maintaining a balance between residence and leisure.”

“We have considered granting the possibility to keep in an extraordinary form chairs and tables outside the premises to promote activities outside the historic center, at the moment less frequented by tourists,” said Councillor Bettarini. “This is a choice in line with the possibility granted by the government also for 2023.”

“According to what many citizens have reported and according to data collected last year,” Bettarini added, “outdoor tables have revitalized less frequented streets and squares in neighborhoods outside the center, making them safer, more lively and more frequented, and thus bringing benefits even to more peripheral activities that are not involved in the recovery of tourism. It is a plan that we are defining in these days after also hearing from the Neighborhoods and trade associations.”

This year, only eating establishments outside the Unesco area (including kiosks in green areas and gardens) will be able to apply for extraordinary public land.

The occupation may be granted on the space in front of the business, may not be on the opposite side of the roadway from the entrance of the business and must ensure the passage of vehicles and emergency vehicles and leave a roadway of at least 3.5 meters free. Occupation of sidewalks will be allowed only in the case of the width of the same exceeding two and a half meters with tables adhered to the building and with at least one and a half meters of space to the passage. A parasol will be allowed, in a solid color preferably brown or in a shade compatible with the context, as long as it is removable in the evening and does not obstruct traffic signs and traffic light installations.

Florence, outdoor chairs and tables only outside Unesco area for summer 2023
Florence, outdoor chairs and tables only outside Unesco area for summer 2023

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