Tuscany, they clean the forest and discover an Etruscan tomb

During cleaning operations in the Sopraripa necropolis in Sovana, an Etruscan loculus tomb with ceramic artifacts dating from the 7th-6th centuries B.C. was discovered. The discovery enriches the area's archaeological heritage.

A discovery with a very special flavor occurred a few days ago at the Etruscan necropolis in Sovana (Grosseto), which continues to offer valuable archaeological treasures. In fact, a group of volunteers was cleaning the necropolis in the middle of the forest, and in particular was focusing on the archaic tombs in the Sopraripa necropolis, near the rock oratory at the exit of the Via Cava di San Sebastiano, when the workers noticed the presence of a rectangular niche, probably a loculus tomb, excavated in ancient times in the access corridor to another chamber tomb.

The niche, sealed by terracotta slabs, revealed numerous ceramic artifacts of great historical interest, including cups, bowls, ollets, and an oil jug, dating from the late seventh and first half of the sixth centuries B.C. These artifacts will undergo a thorough cleaning and consolidation process before being displayed to the public at the Museum of San Mamiliano in Sovana.

The important discovery is the result of a joint project, authorized by the Archaeological Superintendence for the Provinces of Siena, Arezzo and Grosseto, and carried out by the Municipality of Sorano in collaboration with the Cooperativa Sociale ZOE and the Associazione Cultura e Territorio (ACT). The work took place in August as part of a summer school involving archaeology students from American universities and local volunteers.

This initiative is part of a larger recovery project that the Municipality of Sorano, together with the park manager and the Union of Municipalities “Colline del Fiora,” has been carrying out for years in the Sovana necropolis. The goal is to make accessible and usable to the community funerary monuments hitherto known only to insiders, but never adequately musealized.

Discovery of Etruscan tomb in Sovana
Discovery of an Etruscan tomb in Sovana.
Discovery of Etruscan tomb in Sovana
Discovery of the Etruscan tomb in Sovana
Discovery of Etruscan tomb in Sovana
Discovery of the Etruscan tomb in Sovana
Discovery of Etruscan tomb in Sovana
Discovery of the Etruscan tomb in Sovana
Discovery of Etruscan tomb in Sovana
Discovery of the Etruscan tomb in Sovana

Tuscany, they clean the forest and discover an Etruscan tomb
Tuscany, they clean the forest and discover an Etruscan tomb

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