Street art against police officers beating students. The work of Cristina Donati Meyer

Entitled "Acculturate them!" is the latest work by street artist Cristina Donati Meyer: the artist takes the side of students protesting against school-to-work alternation and in some cases being savagely beaten by police.

There will be no stopping the protests of students who have already descended by the thousands into the squares of dozens of Italian cities this weekend and announce that it will be a hot February: the students are in fact demanding a review of the education model that has been imposed in recent years, starting with a revision of the baccalaureate exam formula after two years of pandemic, distance learning and lockdown, and theabolition of alternanza scuola-lavoro, or the path introduced by the Renzi government that obliges students to do internships within work realities. Alternance has come under heavy accusation, especially after the death of Lorenzo Parelli, who died during his last day of an internship at a company in Udine: it is being challenged for taking away useful hours from training and for the fact that companies often do not follow safety protocols.

The students’ protest is now also joined by the street art of Cristina Donati Meyer, a Milanese artist born in 1985 who is used to express herself through posters and posters that, with a very direct language, underline all the distortions of society. Her new work, Acculturateli!, refers in particular to what happened during some demonstrations, when policemen, in riot gear, raged against students, beating them sometimes even savagely.

With her artwork, which depicts a little girl intent on throwing books in the direction of an officer in riot gear, Cristina Donati Meyer, who likes to call herself an "artivist,“ intends to express her full solidarity with the student movement and the girls and boys beaten last week during police charges. ”The answer cannot be violence,“ the artist declares, ”but an avalanche of books that will bury politicians and policemen, so that they will acculturate and learn to give answers and dialogue (not beating with batons) with students who represent the future of this country."

Street art against police officers beating students. The work of Cristina Donati Meyer
Street art against police officers beating students. The work of Cristina Donati Meyer

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