Boldini, De Pisis, Previati: new itinerary at the Castello Estense in Ferrara

Rearrangement in Ferrara, at the Castello Estense, for the itinerary 'Art for Art's sake. From Previati to Mentessi , from Boldini to De Pisis'. Some details.

Opening tomorrow, Thursday, June 29, is the new exhibition Art for Art’s sake. From Previati to Mentessi , from Boldini to De Pisis at the Castello Estense in Ferrara, which opened in June last year. The rooms that house the masterpieces of 19th- and 20th-century Ferrara painting have in fact undergone a renovation that includes the display of works that have so far remained in storage: they will replace some paintings and drawings “for a rotation that,” we read in the presentation, “without betraying the guidelines of the layout, will propose a re-edition.”

There will be a room entirely dedicated to Giovanni Boldini (Ferrara, 1842 - Paris, 1931), a great interpreter of the art of the Belle Époque: the public will be able to admire works such as Two White Horses, The Mundane Singer, Nocturne at Montmartre and Firework, works that are also evidence of the painter’s frequentations in late 19th-century Paris. Revised layout also for the section of works on paper: the selection of works on display is expanded, with additional works by Boldini, Gaetano Previati (Ferrara, 1852 - Lavagna, 1920), Filippo De Pisis (Ferrara, 1896 - Brugherio, 1956) and Giuseppe Mentessi (Ferrara, 1857 - Milan, 1931).

Again, a new selection of twentieth-century works will enrich the itinerary, “testifying to the now accomplished outcomes of a renewed way of looking at the past, at landscapes and interiors, whether inhabited by figures or still lifes.” Space then will be given to the pointillism of Aroldo Bonzagni (Cento, 1887 - Milan, 1918) and to the visions of Achille Funi (Ferrara, 1890 - Appiano Gentile, 1972): the latter will enrich, with one of his Landscapes, the section devoted to nature. Finally, a total renovation will invest the room that deals with the theme of theatelier: there will be works by, among others, De Pisis, Boldini, Roberto Melli (Ferrara, 1885 - Rome, 1958) and other artists who tried their hand at portraiture and the representation of the interiors of artists’ studios, moreover offering notable cues to the young artists of the local school.

The exhibition, curated by Barbara Guidi and Chiara Vorrasi (curators of the Ferrara Galleries of Modern and Contemporary Art) will be open until December 27, 2017. Hours: daily from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (ticket office closes 45 minutes before). Closed: Mondays in October, November and December and December 25, 2017 (open instead on August 15, November 1, December 8 and 26). Information: The tour is sponsored by the City of Ferrara and organized by the Ferrara Arte Foundation and the Ferrara GAMC.

Image: Giovanni Boldini, Worldly Singer (c. 1884; oil on canvas, 61 x 46 cm; Ferrara, Fondazione Carife, on deposit at GAMC in Ferrara)

Boldini, De Pisis, Previati: new itinerary at the Castello Estense in Ferrara
Boldini, De Pisis, Previati: new itinerary at the Castello Estense in Ferrara

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