Canova and Rubens with aperitifs: art and wine for young people in Genoa

In Genoa, major works from the Palazzo Bianco (Canova, Rubens, Magnasco and others) presented in art and wine meetings with aperitifs designed for young people.

The Un sorso d’arte (A sip of art) cycle will begin this Friday in Genoa, presenting some of the most important works in the Palazzo Bianco civic museum (part of the Strada Nuova Museums complex) along with wine tastings by theItalian Sommelier Association. The meetings will be curated by Genoa’s National Civil Service youth and the Sagep publishing house: the presentation of the works will consist of multi-voice iconographic readings, designed especially for a young audience. The meetings, all with free admission, are intended for a maximum number of 25 people (reservations are required at The meetings begin at 6 p.m. at the Strada Nuova Museums Bookshop. Following is the schedule of meetings:

  • June 9, To Lose Our Heads: Simon Vouet’s David with the Head of Goliath.
  • June 16, Martyrdom in technicolor: Saints Sebastian, John the Baptist and Francis by Filippino Lippi
  • June 23, A Disarming Love: Venus and Mars by Pieter Paul Rubens
  • June 30, The great beauty in frame: Restraint in an Albaro garden by Alessandro Magnasco
  • July 7, Unashamedly Beautiful: Antonio Canova’s Penitent Magdalene

More information at

Pictured: details of three of the works to be presented (Canova’s Penitent Magdalene, Rubens’ Venus and Mars, and Alessandro Magnasco’s Restraint ).

Canova and Rubens with aperitifs: art and wine for young people in Genoa
Canova and Rubens with aperitifs: art and wine for young people in Genoa

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