An epistolary exhibition between photography, theater and writing

The new project of Other Size Gallery in Milan is a "correspondence" exhibition between photography, writing and theater.

From Dec. 21, 2020, to Feb. 1, 2021, Other Size Gallery by Workness in Milan will present its new “mail-order” project, in which photography is intertwined with writing and theater.

Ezio Ferreri. TheRooms, this is the title of the initiative, curated by Giusi Affronti and with the artistic direction of Eleonora Caracciolo, intends to narrate photography through the word, written and interpreted.

It involves seven prominent authors from the Italian scene (Marco Balzano, Gioacchino Lonobile, Tommaso Melilli, Laura Pugno, Nadia Terranova, Michele Turazzi and Gianni Valentino) and seven actors (Daniela Airoldi Bianchi, Elisa Canfora, Valeria Sara Costantin, Sacha Oliviero, Marco Pezza, Dario Villa and Teatro Officina artistic director Massimo de Vita).

Seven shots by photographer Ezio Ferreri have been handed over to the pen and imagination of the authors and will be the inspiration for seven epistolary stories. Coordinated by Enzo Biscardi, the texts produced were then entrusted to the interpretation of actors and recorded in micro podcasts. Each photograph, along with the author letter and podcast, will be disseminated through a newsletter weekly for seven weeks. To receive it, you can write to The public is invited to respond to the epistolary stories received with their own letter to be sent via e-mail or in hard copy to the gallery, Via Andrea Maffei 1, 20135, Milan.

A project that intends to be both monographic and plural, through different tools and languages (photographic, literary and theatrical) and offers the public an alternative experience to the traditional exhibition.

Ezio Ferreri’s unpublished series Le Stanze consists ofinterior imagesof apartments that were once lived in and animated, but are now uninhabited, where traces remain, sometimes visible, sometimes evanescent, of those who spent their lives there.

The home is at the center of Ferreri’s work just as it has been for all of us over the course of this year due to containment measures: within the walls of the home, we work, cultivate relationships, spend our free time. Furniture, objects and furnishings mark our daily lives.

“Each of the seven photographs holds a story like so many,” explains the curator, “that becomes a universal inquiry. First actress, the house, is the protagonist in flesh, bones and silhouettes of old faded frames on the walls; it is nostalgic space, vivid bareness, however spied like a body on an operating table; it is form and measure of all things, where everything is memory.”

The initiative becomes “a meeting ground for different arts at a historical moment when culture seems to be banned.”

Ph.Credit Ezio Ferreri

An epistolary exhibition between photography, theater and writing
An epistolary exhibition between photography, theater and writing

Warning: the translation into English of the original Italian article was created using automatic tools. We undertake to review all articles, but we do not guarantee the total absence of inaccuracies in the translation due to the program. You can find the original by clicking on the ITA button. If you find any mistake,please contact us.