At GAM in Milan, Aleksandra Domanović's project that dialogues with Medardo Rosso

Proclaimed the winner of the fifth edition of the Arnaldo Pomodoro Prize for Sculpture on April 6, Aleksandra Domanović (Novi Sad, 1981) will be the protagonist from November 12, 2019 to January 6, 2020 of a solo exhibition at GAM - Galleria d’Arte Moderna in Milan.

Awarded by the Selection Committee chaired by Arnaldo Pomodoro and composed of Diana Campbell Betancourt, Anita Feldman, Martino Gamper, Lisa Le Feuvre, Anna Maria Montaldo, Lorenzo Respi and Andrea Viliani, the sculptor, thanks to the support of the Polo Arte Moderna e Contemporanea of the Municipality of Milan, which shared the aims of the Prize, will have the opportunity to present an immersive, site-specific sculptural installation specially conceived for GAM’s Sala del Parnaso.

To create the work, entitled The Falseness of Holes, Aleksandra Domanović was inspired by a phrase by the great sculptor Medardo Rosso, part of an interview published on October 17, 1907 in The Daily Mail: “A sculpture is not made to be touched, but to be seen at a certain distance, according to the effect intended by the artist. Our hand does not allow us to make ourselves aware of the values, tones, colors ... in a word, the life of the thing.”

Aleksandra Domanović in particular was pleasantly impressed by Medardo’s intention to make people forget the material of which sculpture is made, and by the central role taken by photography in the sculptor’s creative process.

In her new project, the artist will involve a famous wax work by Medardo Rosso, the Portinaia (1883-1884), continuing her investigation of the boundary between material and digital in contemporary sculpture.

Just as the Italian sculptor transcended the physical element by using photography to study the work, so Domanović has selected one of Medardo’s works in the collection of the Galleria d’Arte Moderna in Milan, and will install it in the Sala del Parnaso after integrating it with an Augmented Reality (AR) technological support, which allows virtual images to be superimposed on the vision of the real context.

Thanks to Augmented Reality, the work will offer the visitor an unpredictable trait d’union between traditional sculptural practice and technological innovation, opening up possibilities that were not available in Medardo Rosso’s time, but which are absolutely in line with his idea of a work of art.

The new sculpture will be visible not in the physical space, where Rosso’s work will be displayed instead, but on personal handheld devices, smartphones and tablets on which visitors can download the accompanying software.

The virtual work will be able to change shape, size or context, depending on audience interaction and participation.

Domanović’s site-specific project will give the opportunity to explore firsthand the frontiers of contemporary sculpture, while still keeping in the groove of the history of sculpture, of which Medardo Rosso is one of the greatest exponents, and some of whose most representative works are housed in the collections of the Galleria d’Arte Moderna in Milan.

For all information you can call +39 02 89 075 394 or send an e-mail to

Pictured: Aleksandra Domanović, The Falseness of Holes (2019). Stand-in visual material. Ph. credit Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro

Source: press release

At GAM in Milan, Aleksandra Domanović's project that dialogues with Medardo Rosso
At GAM in Milan, Aleksandra Domanović's project that dialogues with Medardo Rosso

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