Librartis exhibition starts in Siena: 104 artists offer different visions of the book

At the Briganti Photo Library in Siena kicks off the exhibition 'Librartis,' an exhibition involving 104 artists offering a personal aesthetic and conceptual vision of the book.

March 19 marks the start of "Librartis," an exhibition of singular artifacts by one hundred and four artists of various nationalities who offer a personal aesthetic and conceptual vision of the book.
Born in Siena six years ago from an idea of Fabio Mazzieri, who is also its curator, “Librartis” will be set up at the Giuliano Briganti Library and Photo Library located in the Santa Maria della Scala Museum.

Museum director Daniele Pitteri said, "It is a great pleasure to inaugurate the events related to the centenary of the birth of Professor Giuliano Briganti (1918-1992) with the ’Librartis’ exhibition. Having left Siena in 2012, the exhibition returns to the city after a long journey around the world, showing how the book, distorted from its usual function, becomes a universal work of art thanks to the sensibilities and interpretations of artists."

Mazzieri, on the other hand, explained, "to participate in the Librartis project, invitations were initially addressed to artists from our area and, later extended to all of Italy; but by now the artistic friendships are international and many have sent their books from Argentina, China, Colombia, South Korea, Costa Rica, France, Georgia, Morocco, Mexico, Switzerland and the United States of America."
The exhibition draws inspiration from the concept of the art book, which has been emerging with the historical avant-gardes of the 20th century, especially in Italy with Futurism and in Europe with Dadaism, these object-books were created. They appear as unicums and reveal themselves as paintings and graphic signs, now as sculptures or elements with a hybrid identity that no longer prefer the transmission of a knowledge, but the sharing of an idea, an intuition, a personal story.

Books by heterogeneous artists who have ousted all rules vis-à-vis the book, where printed paper is no longer the undisputed protagonist but other materials flank it: from fabric to metal, from plaster to glue, from sand to tuff, from wood to marble to plastic. Books that can also be leafed through and read, observed and touched, in order to perceive their material value.

The exhibition can be visited Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. On Tuesdays and Thursdays it can also be visited from 3 to 5 p.m.
For all information you can call 0577 534562 or visit

Librartis exhibition starts in Siena: 104 artists offer different visions of the book
Librartis exhibition starts in Siena: 104 artists offer different visions of the book

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