Raphael and his myth, from the 15th century to the present, on display in Bergamo

Continuing until May 6, 2018 is the exhibition 'Raphael. The Echo of Myth,' dedicated to Raphael and his myth with works from the 15th century to the present day.

An exhibition to recount Raphael, his training, his activity and his fortune: in a nutshell, his myth. This is the idea behind Raphael. The Echo of Myth, the exhibition scheduled at GAMeC in Bergamo from January 27 to May 6, 2018, curated by Maria Cristina Rodeschini, Emanuela Daffra and Giacinto Di Pietrantonio. Featuring twenty works by Raphael and works by artists such as Hans Memling, Alonso Berruguete, Perugino, Pinturicchio and Luca Signorelli, the Bergamo exhibition reconstructs, around Saint Sebastian, a masterpiece that is preserved precisely in Bergamo (at the Accademia Carrara), the early years of the great Urbino’s career, with important loans from international museums such as the National Gallery in London, the Gemäldegalerie in Berlin, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Pushkin Museum in Moscow and the Hermitage in St. Petersburg.

But that’s not all: also on display are works from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries created by artists who wanted to tell the myth of Raphael: from Luigi Ontani to Salvo, from Pablo Picasso to Francesco Vezzoli, from Giorgio De Chirico to Vanessa Beecroft, and again Antonio Donghi, Christo, Omar Galliani, Pietro Roccasalva, Ettore Spalletti, Luciano Sabro, and Giulio Paolini. The exhibition, moreover, also features an unpublished work by Paolini inspired precisely by Raphael’s Saint Sebastian. There is also a section dedicated to thelove between Raphael and the Fornarina.

“In the room dedicated to the contemporary,” we read in the presentation, “Raphael is experienced not as an echo or a myth but as a living presence, with which it is inescapable to confront. The Urbino painter becomes a touchstone for the research of many artists of the last hundred years, who meditate on his works, now with a spirit of emulation and homage, now with the desire to investigate his compositional and formal language. Among them, Picasso is influenced by his way of arranging figures in space, while Salvo, Ontani and Vezzoli measure their closeness to Raphael with the theme of the self-portrait; Christo, Galliani and Bettineschi offer literal quotations from his works, and Mariani’s large canvas revisits the great frescoes of the Stanze della Segnatura in a contemporary key.”

The exhibition is open every day except Tuesday (closing day) from 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m., ticket office closes one hour before. Tickets: full 12 euros, reduced 10 (for children and young people from 6 to 25 years old, groups from 12 to 30 people, school teachers, military on duty, law enforcement, Accademia Carrara ticket holders, Carrara Card or QC Terme San Pellegrino Coupon, Fidelitas employees, City employees registered with the Circolo, concessionary), reduced schoolchildren 5 euros, free for children under 6, companion of differently abled, ICOM members, tour guides, journalists, members of Friends of Carrara Association or Guide Giacomo Carrara Association, employees, educators and cultural mediators of Fondazione Accademia Carrara and GAMeC, Card Musei Lombardia season ticket holders, group companions (2 for schools, 1 for adults). Possibility to purchase open date ticket at 13 euros full and 11 euros reduced. Family Promo: adults 10 euros (valid for 1 or 2 adults plus children and teens aged 6 to 18), children and teens 5 euros (aged 6 to 18), third child enters free. Cumulative ticket exhibition+Academia Carrara 15 euros. Info on the exhibition website: http://raffaellesco.it.

Pictured: Raphael, Saint Sebastian (1502-1503; oil on panel, 43 x 34 cm; Bergamo, Accademia Carrara)

Raphael and his myth, from the 15th century to the present, on display in Bergamo
Raphael and his myth, from the 15th century to the present, on display in Bergamo

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