Rome, at Palazzo delle Esposizioni the most important exhibition ever on Don McCullin

The great photographer Don McCullin is featured in an extensive retrospective at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome: the largest exhibition ever devoted to the British photographer.

From Oct. 10, 2023 until Jan. 28, 2024, the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome presents the most important retrospective to date devoted to internationally renowned British photographer Don McCullin (London, 1935), the first to comprehensively bring together the different phases of his work, up to the most recent photographs in which, in a striking overview, the author synthesizes his most radical experiences.The exhibition is curated by Simon Baker, in close collaboration with Don McCullin and Tim Jefferies and with the assistance of Catherine Fairweather, Jeanne Grouet, and Lachlann Forbes, and is sponsored by theAssessorato alla Cultura di Roma Capitale and the AziendaSpeciale Palaexpo, produced and organized by Azienda Speciale Palaexpo.

The exhibition at Palazzo Esposizioni ideally links up with, and expands on, the Tate Britain anthology curated by Simon Baker in 2019. In addition to retracing the most significant moments in McCullin’s work, it presents the series dedicated to the Roman Empire, begun in the 2000s, which the author himself considers a point of arrival in which the pivotal themes of his photography overlap, merging: the pain of the images of subaltern England and that of wars scattered around the world, and the peace of the Somerset landscapes in which McCullin takes refuge to soothe the suffering of his war experiences. In the current exhibition pain and peace coexist in the cultural, architectural and historical photographic survey of the remains of the Roman Empire in the southern Mediterranean area. Exhibited in Rome, these photographs offer a new focus on the history of the City, rereading it, as happened in Vita Dulcis and Rome, a portrait-the exhibitions that recently concluded at Palazzo Esposizioni-in relation to different historical times or cultures.

For all information, you can visit the official website of the Palazzo delle Esposizioni.

Pictured: Don McCullin, The West Hartlepool Steelworks at first light, County Durham, England (1963), silver salt print, 59.4 x 74.3 cm. Courtesy Hamiltons Gallery

Rome, at Palazzo delle Esposizioni the most important exhibition ever on Don McCullin
Rome, at Palazzo delle Esposizioni the most important exhibition ever on Don McCullin

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