Venice, the 100th birthday of painter Ernani Costantini celebrated with an exhibition

Until Feb. 27, 2022, the Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa in Venice commemorates the centenary of the birth of Ernani Costanini, an important figure of the 20th century, with an exhibition tracing his entire artistic parabola.

On the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Ernani Costantini (Venice, 1922 - 2007), theIstituzione Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa pays tribute to the memory of the well-known Venetian painter with an exhibition of his works at Palazzetto Tito. The exhibition, titled Cento anni di Ernani (One Hundred Years of Ernani ) and running until Feb. 27, can be visited from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The event was included in the official program of the 1600th anniversary celebration of Venice and is free admission.

Ernani Costantini lent his artistic and cultural activity in the second half of the last century. His versatile commitment is evidenced by a rich production of paintings and numerous participations in group exhibitions and staging of solo shows in various galleries, in Venice, Italy, with a few excursions across the border. Intense is his activity in decorating churches, particularly, but not only, in Venice and Mestre.

In the halls of Palazzetto Tito, a summary of Ernani’s entire artistic career is presented to the public, from the works shown in his first exhibitions, starting in the second half of the 1950s, to his last large canvas painted in 2005. A path that of Ernani, matured in the twentieth-century cultural flux of which he was a profound connoisseur. From his first research experiences in the “cubist” vein, through a very personal abstractionism of figuration, until he reached a full maturation of his own original representative imprint. Ernani was an artist of undoubted and rigorous technical quality, executor of works of surprising narrative outcome, apparently of easy and pleasant vision, but absolutely complex in content, composition and features.

The exhibition is accompanied by a catalog with in-depth historical-critical texts by curator Francesca Brandes and critic Stefano Cecchetto, and collects evidence of Ernani’s relationships with coeval exponents of culture and art, from Guido Perocco to Paolo Rizzi, and also memories of the places, now disappeared, frequented by Ernani in his activity.

The commitment of the exhibition initiative is to restore visibility to some of Ernani Costantini’s works, from private and public collections, which have not been exhibited to a wide public for decades. A rare opportunity, for younger artists and art lovers, to learn about a significant production of this singular Venetian painter, soliciting new comparisons with modern and contemporary pictorial art.

For all information, you can visit the official website of the Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation.

Image: Ernani Costantini, Jazz (1956; oil on canvas, 50 x 55 cm)

Venice, the 100th birthday of painter Ernani Costantini celebrated with an exhibition
Venice, the 100th birthday of painter Ernani Costantini celebrated with an exhibition

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