#iorestoacasa, here are the initiatives of the MAXXI in Rome

MAXXI in Rome is also participating in the #iorestoacasa campaign with many initiatives and columns. Here are what they are.

MAXXI in Rome is also joining the #iorestoacasa campaign by offering online initiatives to take users on a discovery of contemporary art during the coronavirus emergency. Virtual tours of theMAXXI Collection are planned with artists such as Gea Casolaro, Enzo Cucchi, Flavio Favelli, Marco Tirelli and Luca Trevisani who, together with curators, will bring art lovers the most iconic works preserved in the museum with LIS-language video-guides and audio-descriptions, the latter tailored for people with visual disabilities.

With the 10 Years of MAXXI cycle, the public will relive the institute’s 10-year history with its finest exhibitions, including those dedicated to Gio Ponti, Maria Lai, Paolo Pellegrin, Letizia Battaglia and William Kentridge, to name a few.

Prime Time, on the other hand, is the videogallery available on social media in the evening slot created thanks to the artists’ contributions, which features a selection of video art works.

Domitilla Dardi, curator for Design at the museum, will be the presenter of Un oggetto al giorno, a space dedicated to the most iconic objects of contemporary design, from Gio Ponti’s Superleggera to Ettore Sotsass ’s Valentine to Zaha Hadid ’s sofa and many others.

Guido Brera, Francesca D’Aloja, Marida Lombardi Pijola, Massimo Recalcati and other authors of the MAXXI Books will be the protagonists of short interviews and contributions on their writings.

Cinema at the Maxxi will feature curator Mario Sesti narrating the documentaries in competition at Extra Doc Festival.

For families with children who cannot go to school at this time, there will be MicroLab, a series of short and simple workshops inspired by the MAXXI Collection that will involve the little ones in the company of the Arturo Dragon.

Finally, the rubbric A New World will be a reflection on the magnitude of what is happening and how this leads us to rethink the meaning of certain words such as responsibility, care, choice and democracy in the company of men and women from science, culture, entertainment and communication, including Father Paolo Benanti and psychoanalyst Vittorio Lingiardi.

For Giovanna Melandri, president of the MAXXI Foundation, “it is particularly important at this time to continue to offer culture, also with a different mode of fruition: no longer physical but virtual. Through the digital dimension we will be close to our audience, we will stay at home with them, to continue to offer food for thought and discussion, to create community, to be free to go out with our thoughts and to dedicate ourselves during these days to think and design a different future.”

To visit the MAXXI website, you can click here.

#iorestoacasa, here are the initiatives of the MAXXI in Rome
#iorestoacasa, here are the initiatives of the MAXXI in Rome

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